He held her wondering eyes. ‘I was a proud, arrogant prince, used to attracting women, used to people pandering to my whims. I saw that you cared for me and I took that as my due, never bothering to question my own feelings. If I had I’d have realised that what I felt for you was unique. I’d never cared for any other woman the way I cared for you, Safiyah. After you’d gone I felt like I’d been torn in two, but I blamed that on my changed circumstances.’

He shook his head, amazed at his obtuseness.

‘I couldn’t bear to think of you—especially when I heard you were to marry Abbas. Because it hurt too much. I pretended it was fury I felt, hurt pride that you’d duped me into believing you cared.’

‘Ididcare, Karim.’

Her hand curled around his, the first tiny positive sign from her. It made his heart contract. She’d cared for him once. But now…?

‘When you came to me in Switzerland I behaved like a spoiled brat, trying to hurt you.’

‘You succeeded.’ Her mouth twisted, but her voice was stronger and her eyes shone. Hope rose.

‘I’ve been so blind, my love.’ He shook his head. ‘So slow to realiseyouwere the reason I came to Assara. Not because I wanted the crown but because I wanted to be with you. Become your husband.’

His words ran out and Karim was left listening to the sound of his heart throbbing out a frenetic pulse, looking for some sign he wasn’t alone in this.

‘You came here because ofme?’

He nodded. The words had poured out of him—a torrent smashed free from a dam wall. Now he was spent. The rest was up to her. Would she believe him?

‘Because you loved me?’

‘Love. I love you.’

As Karim watched, her eyes filled with tears that spilled down pale cheeks.

‘Ah,habibti. Please don’t. I can’t bear to see you so sad.’

He wiped her tears with his thumb but they kept falling. The sight broke him. Was it possible he’d destroyed all the feelings she’d once had for him?

A soft hand cupped his jaw. ‘Silly man. I’m crying because I’m happy.’

‘Happy?’ Karim stared into her lovely face and saw that crooked mouth curve up in a smile that made his heart lift.

‘Yes, happy.’ Her smile widened. ‘You really do have a lot to learn about women.’

Karim didn’t argue. He was the first to admit his previous experience had been limited to casual encounters. Nothing that compared to this.

‘Tell me,’ he demanded, capturing her hand and kissing it.

‘That I’m happy?’

Mischief danced in Safiyah’s eyes, and for the first time the band constricting Karim’s chest eased. He grazed his teeth along the fleshy part of her palm and she jumped, then leaned closer.

Her expression grew serious. ‘I loved you all those years ago, Karim, and I never stopped.’

She swallowed hard and he felt the shadow of her pain.

‘And now?’ He didn’t deserve her love, but he needed it. He’d never needed anything more. ‘I can live without a crown, Safiyah. Without courtiers and honours. But I can’t live without you.’

‘Hush.’ Her fingers pressed his lips. ‘You don’t need to. We have each other now.’ She leaned close, wrapping her arms around his neck. ‘I love you. Always have and always will.’

Karim opened his mouth to reply. To say something meaningful and memorable. But for the first time ever words failed him. He drew his beloved wife up into his arms and kissed her with a tender ardour that told her better than words how he felt.

He vowed he’d show her every day of their lives together exactly how much she meant to him.