‘Don’t lie,wife. You want me.’ A heartbeat pounded through him, a second, a third. Her expression gave the confirmation he needed. ‘And I’ll happily take what’s on offer.’

Even if his soul craved far more.

He wrapped his fingers around the back of her skull and stepped in close, lowering his mouth to hers with a slow deliberation that, since it gave her time to pull away, proved his point.

She was his, and she wanted to be his, at least in this.

Wife, he’d snarled at her, reminding her that she was his possession. His words held no tenderness and anguish arced through her from where his fingers cradled her head down to the very soles of her feet.

She longed for so much more—which was why she’d cut him off abruptly when he’d pressed her, almost as if he knew her secret weakness.

When he’dthankedher for her help everything inside her had rebelled. She didn’t want Karim’s gratitude. She wanted so much more. She craved his love.

Which illustrated how mismatched they were. She couldn’t afford to let him know how she felt. He already had too much power in this relationship. She had to stand strong against him.

Except when his lips met hers shock jolted through her. His mouth wasn’t harshly impatient. It coaxed gently…a slow brush that tempted then moved on to her cheek, her throat, then back to linger and tease. Strong teeth nipped at her lower lip and fire shafted to her nipples then drove low into her body. Her knees trembled and she found herself grasping his upper arms.

With a muffled sound of approval he wrapped those strong arms around her, enfolding her in searing heat. Hard muscle bound her, and despite her intention to resist Safiyah melted closer.

A sob rose in her throat that she should be so weak. But the pleasure Karim offered was too much, even though she knew it was purely physical. This sense of rare connection was illusory, the product of wishful thinking.

He deepened the kiss, drawing her up against him and delving into her mouth as if he couldn’t get enough of the taste of her. As if his need matched hers.

This didn’t feel heartless. It felt like everything she craved. And, with a sigh that shuddered right to her heart, Safiyah gave herself up to him.

When he swept her high in his arms she didn’t protest. Instead she leaned against his chest, her hand pressed to the place where his heart pounded like a jackhammer.

When he laid her on the bed and stripped her, his eyes glittering like priceless gems from the royal treasury, Safiyah arched her body to help him peel off her clothes.

When he came to her, naked, proud and virile, she closed her eyes rather than search for tenderness in his gaze. She could pretend for this short time that the brush of his hands across her bare flesh was loving.

And when finally Karim stroked into her, deep and strong, and she shattered convulsively, she steadfastly refused to think or yearn or hope. She took the pleasure he gave and told herself it was enough.

It had to be. For it was all he could give.