Before she could respond another figure emerged from the palace.

‘Rana!’ Safiyah couldn’t believe her eyes. Her sister…here? Her heart squeezed and her eyes prickled. She opened her mouth to say something but no words emerged.

Safiyah looked up at Karim, who was surveying her from under lowered brows, his crossed arms making him looking particularly unapproachable. As if the man who’d stirred her blood with that one appraising look just moments ago had never been.

Yet he, surely, was the man responsible for her sister’s presence. Gratitude and a sudden flood of happiness quenched her indignation.

‘Your Majesty.’ Rana sank into a deep curtsey and Safiyah watched, stupefied, as Karim took her sister’s hand and raised her, bestowing upon her a smile that was all charm.

‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rana. I’m glad you could come to support your sister and your nephew today.’

Safiyah looked from her sister to Karim. What was going on? Assaran royal weddings didnotinclude female witnesses, even if the bride had no living male relatives. Safiyah had been the only woman at yesterday’s ceremony. Nor were female members of the bride’s family invited to the royal events in the days that followed. Safiyah had got through the interminable festivities of her first marriage unsupported except for the maid who’d attended her when she retired to her room.

Before she could ask for an explanation a harassed-looking steward came forward and murmured something to Karim, drawing him away.

‘Surprise!’ Rana kissed Safiyah on the cheek and Tarek on the forehead, her gentle smile lighting her face. ‘Your husband invited me to the capital for the next two days.’ Rana dropped her voice. ‘You didn’t tell me he was so nice. So thoughtful.’ She paused, chewing her lip. ‘I did wonder if you really wanted this marriage. It’s happened so quickly.’

Safiyah could only be grateful that Rana didn’t know about the history between her and Karim. Then she’dreallyhave her doubts.

‘I definitely wanted it, Rana.’

Her sister nodded. ‘For Tarek’s sake. But…’ she paused ‘…maybe for your own too?’

Safiyah swallowed hard and managed a noncommittal smile. Now wasn’t the time for explanations. Karim had already proved himself capable of protecting his new position and his new son. That was all that mattered. His attention to detail today was all geared towards shoring up public approval. Even down to having the Prince accompanied by his aunt instead of a nanny.

Karim was presenting the picture of a united, stable family to the nation.

What other reason could he have for making these arrangements?

‘It’s wonderful to see you, Rana.’ Safiyah leaned in and cuddled her sister with one arm while holding Tarek on her hip. An upsurge of emotions blindsided her, catching at her throat.

She wasn’t used to having someone by her side. Strange, too, to realise how much she needed that support. The last days had been a rollercoaster of emotional shocks.

Tarek wriggled in her hold. ‘Down, Mama. I want to see the horses.’

‘He’s a chip off the old block,’ Rana said. ‘Once he gets a taste for riding you won’t be able to keep him away from the stables. Just like you and me.’

Warmth swelled in Safiyah’s chest at her sister’s smile. They’d both ridden as soon as they could walk, like their father before them.

‘Later, Tarek. If you’re a good boy you can pat one of the horses later.’ For now Karim was striding back towards them and the last of the riders were swinging up onto their mounts. ‘It’s time for you to go with Auntie Rana.’

But Tarek wasn’t placated. He was going to argue. His bottom lip protruded.

‘Here. Let me.’

Long arms reached for her boy. Karim’s hands brushed against her as he took her son.

She didn’t know what stunned her more. The ripple of sensation where Karim’s hard hands had touched her arms and, fleetingly, the side of her breast. Or the sight of him holding Tarek. The way a father would.

Safiyah frowned. She couldn’t recall the last time Abbas had held his son. For an official photo, most probably.

Karim caught the disapproving scrunch of Safiyah’s forehead and turned away, anger flaring.

What was wrong with the woman? Didn’t she trust him enough even to hold her precious son?

She trusted him enough to marry him, yet now she was fighting a rearguard action to keep a distance between them.

Karim had taken time to consider how to make these intense days of celebration easier for her. He’d gone out of his way to bring her sister here, and to involve Tarek in the event to shore up the legitimacy of his future claim. He’d even organised that whisper-soft concoction of a riding outfit that made Safiyah look even more beautiful and impossibly seductive.