Safiyah’s gasp only succeeded in pressing her breasts against him.

‘I don’t need to prove anything.’ Holding that moss-green stare grew harder by the second. In her peripheral vision she saw that firm mouth, like a magnet dragging her gaze.

‘One kiss and I’ll leave—ifyou want me to.’

‘Of course I do. I want…’ Her words died as a warm palm cupped her cheek, long fingers channelling through her hair, creating sensations so delicious that despite everything her eyelids grew heavy.

His other hand didn’t grab at her, didn’t force her close. Instead it settled light as a leaf on her shoulder, then slowly slid down the outside of her arm, and down…down to her hand where her fingers trembled.

He’d promised no coercion and he kept his promise. But the compulsion welling within her to give in to him was almost overwhelming. Safiyah stifled a sob at the strain of withstanding this torture.

He captured her wrist with a surprising gentleness. It was as if he cast a spell that kept her rooted to the spot, breathless. Even when he raised her hand and she felt the press of his lips to her palm, the hot, lavish swipe of his tongue setting off swirling sparks inside her, his compelling gaze and her enthralled brain kept her where she was.

He planted her palm against his cheek. She felt the hot silk of his flesh and the tiniest hint of roughness along his jaw, where by morning he’d need to shave. Under his guidance her hand moved up to his hairline, and of their own volition her fingers channelled through the plush luxury of his hair.

So many sensations to absorb. Not least of which was the fascinating play of light…or was it darkness?… in Karim’s eyes in response to her touch.

Safiyah’s breath hissed as everything in her tightened. She had to move away, break this illusion of intimacy. Her brain told her that he was toying with her, but it felt so…

‘We both want, Safiyah. And it will be good between us, I promise.’ Again there was that curve of his mouth on one side, as if the flesh there were drawn too tight. ‘Better than good. It will be—’

‘Mama! Mama!’

A door banged and a woman’s voice came from the next room. Then, before Safiyah could do more than turn her head, a small whirlwind shot through the door and landed against her legs.

‘Tarek! What is it?’

She scooped him up and he clung, wrapping his arms and legs around her. He felt hot, and his face was damp as he burrowed against her. Automatically she murmured soothing words, clasping him tight.

‘I’m sorry, madam—’ Just inside the doorway the nanny jolted to a halt so suddenly she swayed. Her expression grew horrified as she took in Karim’s presence and she sank into a deep curtsey. ‘Your Majesty. My apologies, I didn’t know—’

‘No need for apologies,’ Karim said. ‘Clearly it’s an emergency.’

‘Just a nightmare, sir. I could have managed, but madam said—’

‘You did right,’ Safiyah assured her, rubbing a gentle hand over Tarek’s skinny back and taking a few steps across to the bed, so she could sit down, holding her son close. ‘I gave instructions to bring Tarek here if he needed me.’

It had been liberating, giving that order. When Abbas had been alive he’d demanded the nanny deal with any night-time upset without Safiyah, lest they were interrupted on a night he’d decided to visit his wife’s bed.

‘It is just a nightmare, isn’t it?’ Safiyah put her hand to Tarek’s forehead as she rocked him in her arms. ‘Not a temperature?’

The nanny rose, nodding. ‘Just a bad dream, madam, but he kept calling for you.’

‘Then he’s in the right place now.’

It was Karim who spoke, drawing Safiyah’s gaze. He didn’t look as if he’d just been interrupted seducing his wife. She saw no impatience or annoyance. In fact he smiled as he told the nanny she could leave.

If it had been Abbas there’d have been cold fury and harsh words. Not because he’d been evil, but because he’d believed he was entitled to have his own way. That the world was ordered to suithim. He hadn’t been deliberately cruel, but nor had he been sympathetic or used to considering others.

Safiyah looked from the departing maid to Karim, wondering how it was that this man, who’d also been raised to be supreme ruler, could react so differently. Where was the man who’d been so cold and distant in Switzerland?

Rueful eyes met hers and she felt again that pulse of awareness. It hadn’t gone. His plans had merely been deferred. The realisation stirred excitement in her belly.

‘How is he?’

‘Calmer.’ Tarek wasn’t trembling now, though he still buried his head against her. Soon he’d be ready to talk. ‘I’ll keep him with me…settle him here.’

She waited for a protest from Karim but there was none. He walked to the bed and placed a large hand on her son’s shoulder.