Once she’d played up to him because she’d believed he could make her a queen. Now she’d come to him because she needed his protection.

Always because she wanted something from him.

Not because she wantedhim.

It was a timely reminder. One he wouldn’t forget.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the benefits of having Safiyah as his wife.

Suddenly the tedium and frustrations of the afternoon’s long meeting disintegrated. Karim found himself looking forward to embracing his new life.

The vast, circular audience chamber was filled to the brim. Guests even outnumbered the stars of pure gold that decorated the domed ceiling of midnight-blue. The crush of people made Safiyah glad she was on the raised royal dais. Yet her heart still pounded as if she’d had to fight her way through the throng.

As of a few minutes ago, Karim had become Assara’s ruler.

Thinking about it made her light-headed—with relief, she told herself, not nerves. Yet she kept her eyes on the crowd, not on the man further along the dais.

She had a perfect view of their faces, the VIPs of Assara, as they took turns to swear fealty to their new Sheikh. There were politicians, clan elders and powerful businessmen. Even the other men who’d hoped to be Sheikh.

Safiyah watched, her breath stalling, as the person before Karim bowed and backed away. Next in line was Hassan Shakroun. Shakroun’s lips twisted unpleasantly, but that wasn’t unusual. The man rarely looked content.

To her immense relief, when Karim had been proclaimed Sheikh there’d been no protest. Karim’s swift acceptance of the crown meant Shakroun had had no time to act against him.

Now Shakroun moved forward and bowed perfunctorily, then backed away.

Safiyah sighed in relief. She’d done right. Shakroun had no reason now to harm Tarek. He was safe. It was Karim who had the power to make or break Tarek’s future.

Despite his assurances, it was impossible not to wonder what sort of ruler he’d make, and what sort of father.

What sort of husband?

A jitter of nerves shot through her, churning her stomach. She breathed out slowly, forcing her heartbeat to slow.

As soon as the coronation ceremony was over their marriage would take place, and then Karim’s formal adoption of Tarek.

What she’d give for her sister to be here. But, following tradition, there were no females in the room. Except her. Karim had made an exception to past practice by inviting her to attend the ceremony that would make him Sheikh.

Reluctantly she looked again at the centre of the dais. There, surrounded by the leaders of the Council, stood Karim, regal in pure white trimmed with gold. Even theagalencircling his headscarf was gold, a symbol of his new status.

He stood a head taller than the older men around him. Confident and commanding. His strong profile was proud, betraying no hint of doubt or weakness.

Tarek would grow up as the adopted son of the Sheikh. And she… She was destined to become once again wife of a sheikh.

Another breath, snatched into lungs that didn’t seem to work.

Even the knowledge that this would be a marriage in name only couldn’t ease the hammer-beat of her heart or the uneasy feeling that she’d acted against her better judgement.

Her second marriage of convenience. Her second marriage without love or real caring.

Safiyah pressed her palm to her abdomen as pain sheared through her. She’d learned to live with Abbas’s indifference. Theirs hadn’t been a close relationship, and in some ways there’d been relief in the fact they hadn’t spent much time together.

Surely this new marriage would be similar. Karim’s distaste had been clear after that kiss in Switzerland.She’dbeen the one swept away. He’d been as unmoved as one of those looming Swiss mountains. Her cheeks flamed at the memory.

And yet, this marriagewouldn’tbe like her one to Abbas. Then she’d been so miserable and lost that even going through the motions of marriage had been just one more burden. Dazed with grief over her father and her broken heart, nothing had mattered but doing her duty.

Now there was nothing to cushion her from the reality of her actions.

Her gaze returned to the arrogantly masculine profile of the new Sheikh. A riot of emotions roiled through her.