Karim didn’t raise his voice, but that decisive tone stopped her.

‘No more arguments. I don’thaveto listen to anything. You came to me, not the other way around.’

His words stilled her instinctive protest.

‘I’m not inclined to accept the throne, but I’ll consider it more thoroughlyifyou’re willing to marry.’

Safiyah drew a deep breath, frantically searching for a semblance of calm. She couldn’t believe the direction this conversation had taken. What had begun simply had become a nightmare.

She was about to ignore his warning and spill out her fears, but the stern lines of his expression stopped her. Karim didn’t look like Abbas, but she recognised the pugnacious attitude of a man who’d made up his mind. Not just any man, but one raised to expect unquestioning obedience.

She’d learned with her husband that defiance of his pronouncements, even in the most trivial, unintended way, only made him less likely to listen. Safiyah couldn’t afford to have Karim reject the crown.

Carefully she chose her words. ‘I need time to consider too.’

Karim raised one supercilious eyebrow, obviously questioning the fact that she hadn’t instantly leapt at the chance to marry him.

Except the thought of being tied in marriage to any man, especially Karim, sent a flurry of nervous dread through her.

‘Youneed time?’

His tone made it clear he thought it inexplicable. He was right. Any other woman, she was sure, would jump at the chance to marry him.

‘It seems we both do.’ She held his gaze, refusing to look away. She might be reeling with shock inside, but she refused to betray the fact.

‘Very well. We’ll meet tomorrow at nine. A lot rides on your answer, Safiyah.’