ITWASAlong wedding. Days long. Filled with good wishes, lavish entertainment, music, feasting and enough pomp to convince Tori that she really had married a king.

She returned to the audience chamber after freshening up to find Karim waiting for her, a query in his moss-green eyes. Beyond him the room was filled with guests in their finery, the air buzzing with animated conversation.

Funny to think she’d been wary about meeting Ashraf’s brother. Everyone spoke of him in glowing terms and she’d wondered if it was true that he really didn’t want Ashraf’s crown. Till the brothers had told her their story and Karim had welcomed her into the family with genuine warmth.

His smile had been almost wistful as he’d admitted he’d never seen Ashraf so happy. That neither brother had expected to find true love. Tori’s heart had squeezed at his words and she’d hugged him hard, eliciting mock protests from Ashraf and a quaintly clumsy hug from Karim. Clumsy, she suspected, because like Ashraf he wasn’t used to emotional displays. It certainly couldn’t be from lack of female companionship, for despite Karim being only his half-brother he shared Ashraf’s chiselled good-looks and potent appeal.

‘How are you holding up?’ he asked.

Tori beamed at him. ‘I’m doing well. Especially since everyone is so happy for us.’

Contrary to expectations, the ghastly rumours had ceased almost straight away when it turned out that the die-hards who disapproved of Ashraf were completely outnumbered by those who thought him an excellent Sheikh.

As for Oliver being born outside marriage—that didn’t seem to be a problem now Ashraf had legitimised him. If anything, many Za’daqis viewed it as proof of their King’s masculine potency and thought it natural that Tori had been swept off her feet. She’d discovered a strong romantic streak in his people.

‘Ashraf sent me to find you.’ Karim offered her his arm and when she curled her hand around it he bent to murmur in her ear. ‘Unless you’d rather skip this bit and rest?’

She should be tired but Tori had never felt so energised. ‘I wouldn’t miss it for anything.’

‘You don’t even know what it is!’

Karim laughed as he steered her through the throng, his deep chuckle reminding her of Ashraf’s. Even after a few days she knew that Karim, like her husband, rarely laughed aloud. Both were so serious, though Ashraf was learning to relax more.

‘So tell me.’

They were outside now, on the terrace, looking down at the wide space where she’d previously watched horsemen and archers perform stunning feats of skill and bravery. Now the space was filled with people. More than filled. They spilled down the slope beyond into the public gardens and streets as far as the eye could see.

Tori stumbled to a halt. ‘Where have they come from?’

A deep, familiar voice reached her.

‘From everywhere—all across the country.’

It was Ashraf, his eyes shining. He looked magnificent in white robes trimmed with gold as he strode up and took her hands.

Tori’s insides melted. Her Ashraf. Her husband.

Beside them Karim spoke. ‘They’re not VIPs, just ordinary people who’ve made their way here to wish you both well.’ He clamped his hand on Ashraf’s shoulder, leaning close and lowering his voice. ‘You’ve done well, little brother. They love you.’

Ashraf shrugged, making little of the praise, though Tori saw that it moved him.

He turned to her. ‘There’s even a delegation from that first village I took you to in the foothills. Where you got that scarf.’

Tori looked down at the deep jewel colours of the scarf she’d teamed with a dress of vibrant teal, embroidered at the hem with silver. Over the last three days it seemed she’d worn every colour of the rainbow, and each time her pleasure in the magnificent wedding clothes was outshone by the appreciation in Ashraf’s eyes.

‘What are we waiting for? There are a lot of people to greet.’

Ashraf’s slow smile made her heart drum faster.

‘Thank you,habibti. It will mean a lot to them.’ He looked at Karim. ‘You’ll come too, brother?’

Karim shook his head. ‘This is your day—yours and Tori’s. I’ll go and deal with the VIPs.’ He turned towards the palace, leaving Ashraf and Tori alone.

As Ashraf led her towards the expectant throng he tucked her close against him. ‘I’m afraid this will add extra hours to the wedding celebrations. You’ll need to rest when this is over.’

‘It’s not rest I need. I have other priorities.’