Nor, he realised as he towelled his body, had a cold shower. Despite his heavy schedule he’d happily have spent another hour in bed with Tori. Only the sound of little Oliver, awake and hungry, had stopped him.

And even that interruption had its positives. Going to Oliver’s room to find his son looking up at him curiously, Ashraf hadn’t felt impatience but a surge of tenderness. Getting to know his child, having a real role in his life, meant everything to him.

Ashraf flung the towel away and dressed, his thoughts returning to Tori.

She was a strong mother. She’d make a superb queen, given time. And they had plenty of that—a lifetime.

Satisfaction warmed him—and the familiar pulse of desire. It was still early. There might be time before his first meeting...

No. He had other priorities. Namely, hearing Tori say she’d changed her mind about their future together.

Quickly combing his hair, he strode back to the bedroom—only to pause in the doorway.

Tori sat in bed while Oliver sucked at her alabaster breast. Lust pierced Ashraf. He recalled the taste of that breast, and the way his mouth on Tori’s sensitive skin had catapulted her from languorous acquiescence to raw desperation. He breathed slowly, savouring the memory, and the peaceful picture of his woman and child.

Early sunlight turned her hair into a gilded angel’s crown. Against the sumptuous coloured silks and satins her pale beauty shimmered like rare, fragile treasure. But her smile as she met his eyes sent a kick to his belly and told him that Tori was a robust, flesh-and-blood woman.

‘I like watching the pair of you.’

The admission surprised him. He hadn’t intended to say it aloud. At the sound of his voice Oliver half turned, then resumed feeding. A curious feeling filled Ashraf. Satisfaction? Excitement? And something bittersweet.

It seemed his son responded to him. That he recognised his father’s voice.

Whose voice had Ashraf known as a child? Only his mother’s, and then only for a short time. Oh, there’d been servants, even some kindly ones, but no adults to whom he was the wellspring of the world.

The only love he’d really known was his brother’s. But Karim had been kept busy by their father, learning all that a future sheikh had to know. He’d had little time to spend with his kid brother, especially since he’d had to sneak time with Ashraf behind their disapproving father’s back.

Ashraf would like Oliver to have a sibling. Several, if Tori agreed. He wanted Oliver to have the things he’d never enjoyed and would never take for granted.

‘How do you feel about large families?’

Tori’s brow furrowed, her smile fading. ‘Why do you ask?’

Ashraf shrugged and walked to the side of the bed. ‘We didn’t used protection last night.’

At the time he’d been too busy exulting in how freely Tori gave herself to him. He hadn’t paused for contraception. After all, they were to marry and he had no objection to more children.

‘We didn’t?’ Her voice struck a discordant note and she suddenly sat straighter, making Oliver grumble. Her brow crinkled. ‘No, we didn’t, did we?’

Ashraf read her concern and understood. For Tori’s sake a longer gap between children would be better. He’d seen her weariness and understood how pregnancy and single motherhood had taken a toll. There was no rush for more children. They had plenty of time.

‘But they say the chances of getting pregnant are less while you’re breastfeeding.’ It sounded as if she was trying to reassure herself.

Ashraf reached down and touched her leg, stroking satiny skin. ‘You’re probably right.’ Though he knew nothing of such things. ‘And even if there is another baby sooner than we expected we’ll manage together.’

‘Sorry...?’ Her eyes shone large and lustrous. But her expression wasn’t what he expected.

‘Next time you’re pregnant...’ He paused. ‘Whenever that is, you won’t have to manage alone. I’ll be here to support you.’

Ashraf smiled and was surprised when she didn’t reciprocate. Instead her features froze. Abruptly she closed her robe around her and put Oliver against her shoulder. Then she shuffled higher up the bed, sliding her leg away from his hand.

‘There won’t be a next time.’


‘There won’t be another pregnancy.’ Tori paused, her breasts rising on a sharp breath. ‘At least...’ She shook her head. ‘If it ever happens it will be far in the future. If I marry.’

‘Ifyou marry?’ Ashraf saw her tilt her chin high and realised he was on his feet, looking down at her.