‘Of course.’

Bram nodded, but Ashraf knew from the speculative gleam in his eyes that he was processing his friend’s protectiveness.

‘We should be able to manage that. The rescue team never saw Ms Nilsson at the camp.’

‘Excellent.’ Ashraf looked at his watch. ‘Have we finished?’ He’d already been delayed for hours. He wanted to see how Tori and Oliver were settling in. Make sure she wasn’t planning to get the next plane out of there.

Not that she’d succeed.

But it wasn’t merely that concerning him. The look she’d sent him at the airport when he’d told her to go with Bram had revealed how much he’d asked of her. For a second she’d looked beseeching. The sight had stunned him as even her moment of panic on the plane hadn’t.

Before today he’d seen Tori shocked, struggling to process the news that he was alive, and he’d seen her battling to hide terror during their kidnap. But her vulnerability in that split second when her gaze had clung had curdled his gut.

It had taken more determination than he’d imagined to watch her walk away before turning calmly to the officials awaiting him.

Ashraf had wanted to lash out at the politician whose judgemental gaze had rested so dismissively on Tori. Who’d inserted himself into the royal schedule solely, Ashraf knew, to make mischief. He’d wanted to turn his back on the high-level meeting that had been arranged in his absence.

But instead Ashraf had quashed the impulse to ignore his regal responsibility and go with Tori and Oliver—his family.

The word snagged the breath in his lungs.

Given his utterly dysfunctional family background, Ashraf had never dwelled on the idea of creating a family of his own. Now he had one. The realisation was arresting, satisfying and disturbing.

The sound of Bram clearing his throat jerked Ashraf’s attention back. ‘Yes? Is there something else?’


For second he could have sworn he saw amusement in his friend’s eyes. But the next moment Bram was frowning at the royal schedule.

‘We’re finished for today, but tomorrow’s timetable is packed. Suddenly half the Cabinet Ministers need to see you urgently.’

Ashraf lifted one eyebrow. ‘I’m sure they do.’ He shook his head, resisting the urge to massage those tight neck muscles again. ‘If only they spent as much energy on public policy as they do trying to undermine me.’

‘Actually, on that... It’s too soon to tell, but you may have had a couple more wins. Two provincial governors have been in contact privately this week, full of enthusiasm about the results of your latest initiatives. They’re hoping to meet you to discuss ideas they have for further implementation.’ Bram paused. ‘It could be that the tide is turning.’

Or it could be that you’ll never be accepted, no matter how hard you work or how sound your policies. You’re an outsider. You always have been. Nothing will change that.

The voice in Ashraf’s head wasn’t new. It had always been there, undercutting his early attempts to be a son his father could be proud of.

With the ease of long practice he ignored it. ‘Let’s hope.’

And he hoped, too, that he could win Tori over. She’d agreed to this visit but persuading her to stay, to accept his proposition, would take all his persuasive skills and more.

* * *

Tori hadn’t answered his knock so he entered her suite, taking in the silence and lengthening shadows. A quick investigation revealed no sign of her or Oliver.

Ashraf frowned. Had she turned tail and left the palace? But that wasn’t like Tori. Nevertheless he felt better seeing her clothes in the wardrobe.

He retraced his steps to the sitting room, then went out into the suite’s private courtyard. A slow smile curved his lips and warmed his belly.

Tori lay on a sun lounger set in dappled shade beside the long pool. A portable cot where Oliver dozed was positioned beside her.

Heat thwacked Ashraf’s chest as he looked at his tiny son. And as for Tori...

His gaze trailed over her silver gilt hair, enticingly loose across her narrow shoulders. Over the open shirt and slinky scarlet bikini that revealed full breasts and a narrow waist. Down lissom bare legs.

His groin stirred as desire smoked across his skin. He wanted Victoria Nilsson. Wanted her naked and eager. Wanted so much more. Everything he discovered about this woman attracted him. Plus, he wanted all that maternal love for his son.