* * *

Ashraf read Tori’s fear and guilt scrolled like an unwinding roll of calligraphy through his belly.

Of course she was concerned. She’d be crazy not to worry. It was true. In Za’daq, once he’d claimed Oliver as his heir, Ashraf would have the authority to keep his son permanently. Just as he’d have the ability to keep Tori within his borders or, alternatively, have her deported.

Ashraf refused to countenance Oliver living half a world away. He’d do whatever it took to have his son with him, where he belonged. Marrying Tori would ensure that. But their future together would be most successful if Torichoseto marry. If shewantedit.

Oh, she wanted him. He’d read her physical response. But persuading a woman like Tori into marriage would take patience and finesse.

Or an all-out assault on her senses.

Ashraf considered seducing her here and now. Till he remembered her concern to do the right thing by him and Oliver. He owed her more than that. Even though he was impatient for their physical union.

She spoke of a visit to his country, whereas he intended to keep Tori and Oliver with him in Za’daq. Permanently. That would require a concerted attack on Tori’s doubts and defences. Showing her how much his homeland had to offer, how muchhecould offer.

‘You have my word. On my family name and my country’s honour I won’t keep you or Oliver in Za’daq if you wish to leave.’

Ashraf’s mouth curved. He looked forward to convincing her to stay.