‘Yes, sir.’

His lips pursed a fraction. Possibly he was recalling a scandal around that time that had shifted the course of her work.

‘You were a hospital and then a court translator prior to that?’

‘There should be a reference there, concerning my clear and accurate translations.’ Somebody coughed, and Beatrice realised her omission and added, ‘Sir.’

Gosh, how was she supposed to discuss scandals and such if she had to bow and address him so formally at all times? While shewanteda royal wedding on her résumé, in order for her to do her work well there would need to be a lot of straight talking involved.

He rested his hand on his chin and pressed a finger to his lips as he read the brief pages her lengthy résumé had been condensed down to for his perusal.

‘I think this might be an issue.’ He looked up at an advisor. ‘If Ms Taylor translated at this embassy...’

‘I have to agree, sir,’ said Phillipe. ‘I’ve made my objections clear.’

There were...political issues between our countries.

It was Beatrice who answered. ‘They are more than happy to provide further references. They know I won’t be a fly on anyone’s wall, sir.’

Again, he met her eyes.

Beatrice held them.

‘Do you have any questions for me?’ he asked.

‘Several.’ Beatrice nodded. ‘The first being how frank am I allowed to be, sir?’

‘Allowed?’His eyes narrowed at the implication.

‘For example, if I took the role would we be able to speak one to one?’ Beatrice asked.

‘Of course,’ Prince Julius responded. ‘In fact let’s do so now.’

Beatrice wasn’t sure if she was nervous as she stood up, for she so rarely was. Yet her heart was beating faster in her chest, as if she were climbing stairs rather than descending them. French doors were being opened by a servant, and she felt an unfamiliar hesitancy before stepping outside.

He was a prince, Beatrice reminded herself. A prince she was about to confront. It was natural to feel nervous. However, nervous felt like the wrong choice of word.

It should be a relief to step outside after the rather hostile atmosphere indoors, yet her tension felt heightened out in the soft afternoon breeze and in surroundings so tranquil they should calm her.

‘I apologise for the tension back there,’ he said. ‘You would be the first member of the palace team who is not from Bellanisiá.’

‘I see.’

‘There are centuries of tradition here—ancient laws from many cultures, many languages spoken. I assume you already know that?’

‘I’ve read as much as I can of the kingdom’s history.’

‘Then you will also know that I’ve enjoyed the bachelor life. However, given I am now heir to the throne, it’s time for the leopard to change his spots.’

He wasn’t a leopard.

Nor a cheetah.

Not even a growling lion.

It was like walking beside a giant black panther and being told by his gushing owners that he was completely tame.

Nor was he cute—and he certainly wasn’t particularly friendly.