‘You didn’t like it?’

‘I liked it too much,’ she said, smiling, ‘and then I had to go and spoil it all by wanting more.’

‘More?’ he checked.

‘I’ve never done this before. I don’t tend to get involved...’ he wasn’t making this easy ‘...with anyone.’


‘Don’t you have to go...?’

‘Why don’t you get involved with anyone?’

‘I’m terrified they might not like me back.’ She saw he was watching her in the mirror. ‘And I’m scared that I’m cold and unfeeling like my mother.’

‘You’re not like her.’

‘You don’t know that.’

‘Beatrice, there are seven swans a-swimming tonight...’

‘Are there? I couldn’t go over to check... Jasmine was there...’ She swallowed. ‘I understand that you have to protect her.’

‘We can’t discuss that,’ Julius said.

‘No.’ She nodded. ‘We’re only about fun!’ She wanted to be fun, and so she moved to wrap her arms around his neck. ‘Can you bring this uniform to Regalsi?’

‘Beatrice,’ he said firmly, uncoiling her arms, ‘I do have to go. However, youarevery nice,’ he told her. ‘And I like sitting on the bench with you.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Believe it or not, you’re getting off lightly. I’m sure you’d hate being Queen Consort.’

‘I’ll have you know I’d be brilliant.’

‘And at being a hetaera?’

‘Sitting at your knee and gazing up at you?’ She shook her head. ‘No, thanks. But I will be your lover for the next few nights.’



‘And then walk away?’


He smiled. ‘Did you like your leaving present?’

She held up her wrist. ‘It was very thoughtless of you; I’ll be covered in welts soon.’ She looked at her wrist. ‘But thank you. I do like it—very much.’

‘No welts,’ he told her. ‘We only do the good stuff here. It’s nickel you’re allergic to.’


‘So doubting,’ he said. ‘I really do have to go. But there’s some food coming up. It will be in the butler’s kitchen. Help yourself. He’ll buzz. Wait till he’s gone before you collect it. Don’t answer any calls.’

‘I know.’