‘I don’t know...the chance to apologise.’

He was silent.

‘You will be a brilliant king and... Can I come up?’

There was a long silence, and just when she was sure he would never reply, suddenly the internal door clicked.

Beatrice pushed it open and peered in.

There was still no velvet, just more lights and brick walls, and now she walked where angels would never dare: beneath the palace to his lair.

She should be ashamed, really, but she found she was elated instead at having a second chance for a better goodbye...

Julius released the door and inhaled. He did not need this now. Not now, when he needed every part of his brain focussed.

But the best-laid plans... Beatrice certainly knew how to lay them to rest! The whole country was under her five-foot-two threat!

So he used the ten or so minutes her walk would take to prepare himself for her arrival, and then gave himself a stern talking-to in the mirror.

Do not engage.

He nodded to himself.

Politely ask her to wait.

This decision was his alone. By far too much to land on Beatrice. She must have no clue until it was done.

But then came a knock at his very private door, and in came his moody former liaison aide, blinking like a mole coming up onto a lawn.

‘Gosh!’ she said, and didn’t try to hide the effect he had on her. ‘Look at you!’

He wore full dress uniform, but she was up close this time and could really admire the deep grey and Prussian blue belted coat and boots.

‘You’re going out?’ she asked.

‘Clearly. I have a meeting. I need to leave in a couple of moments,’ he snapped. ‘So be fast.’

‘I apologise. I was incredibly mean before—’

‘What’s new?’

‘I would like that week on Regalsi, if it’s still available. Even a couple of days if that’s all you can manage.’

‘You’re so fickle.’

‘Not usually,’ Beatrice said. ‘But, yes, sometimes I am.’

‘What do you want to do with our time there?’

‘Have fun.’

‘I thought “fun” was what you wanted the night we made love.’

‘We had sex, Julius,’ she corrected him, using his own words, ‘and you’re right. I’m dreadful at fun. I don’t want to be, though. I’d like some time on Regalsi with you and hopefully to leave on better terms.’

‘We’ll talk in a bit.’

She swallowed. ‘Fine...’ Deflated, she watched him check his reflection. ‘I thought I’d like a one-night stand...’ she said.