‘Well, that’s his latest turn of phrase.’

‘I’ll vote for you,’ she told him.

‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘I think. However, it’s not that type of busy I’m talking about. My father and I are both in agreement that it’s time to steer the country into happier times...’

‘I see.’

‘Only my very inner circle are aware.’

‘Of course.’

‘However, the reason I’m lettingyouknow is because Jordan is going to offer you a permanent role.’

She swallowed.

‘We’ve discussed it. She’s very impressed with your work. She does have a couple of reservations, but you two can sort those out...’

‘What reservations?’

‘I don’t get involved in all that.’

‘What reservations does Jordan have?’

‘I can’t begin to imagine.’ He smiled a black smile. ‘So, I am formally inviting you...’ He made a little circular motion with his hands.

‘What doesthatmean?’ Beatrice asked, and circled her own hand.

‘That I’m extending an invitation for you to become a permanent member of my team and now it’s between you and Jordan.’ He stood. ‘I’ll leave you to enjoy your lunch.’

‘Thank you,’ Beatrice said, a little stunned.

She was about to halt him...to tell him no...to just...

Why halt him?

Why decline?

This was a job in a place she could actually call home, and if she didn’t have this ridiculous crush then, yes, she’d seriously consider staying.

She really had averted disaster by not attempting to kiss him. If he felt so little for her that he could hire her to deal with his wedding then clearly it was all in her head.

Anyway, he was arrogant, haughty, and just so not her type.

Not that she had a type. But if she did it would not be him. Nor any man who opposed women in royal lineage. Nor a man who...

What else?

A man who pointed his finger.

But surely she should at least listen to what Jordan had to say?

Maybe it was time for a different approach.

‘I wasn’t expecting to be asked...’ She looked up and pushed out that smile, but had to squint a little at the sun behind him. ‘I’m thrilled.’

Beatrice couldn’t see his reaction because of the blinding light. She just saw his shoulders stiffen and guessed the suave Prince might be a little startled by her rare expression of enthusiasm.

‘I’m flattered. Thank you, sir.’