‘No, she had a registry.’

God, she got things so wrong, and while the new Roula should not care, she ended up in his office after her lunch break.

‘Take this in to Kristina.’ She put the wrapped present down.




He was sulking—not just because he hated the thought of a visit to Kristina, but because that damn ring on Roula’s finger was flashing like a beacon.

‘What did I get her?’

‘A cream cashmere blanket.’

‘Didn’t they have blue?’

‘She’ll love it.’


He stopped by her office later, just before she was due to head out.

‘You were right,’ Galen said. ‘The blanket was a hit.’

‘How was the baby?’

‘All scrunched up,’ Galen said. ‘I think I offended Ruben. I held the baby and said he was like a whole little person, just condensed, and he said, actually, he was average height.’

Roula smiled.

‘And they think he’s a genius, and knows his own name already, but I tried calling him and he didn’t even open his eyes.’

‘Whatishis name?’

‘Luka,’ Galen said. ‘Luka the genius.’

‘Maybe he is.’

‘I don’t think you’d know at one day old. Apparently, my parents thought—’ He stopped then, because Roula was back on her computer, and they didn’t talk like that any more. ‘I’ll get on.’


Galen never chased gossip, but for once he headed up to level two of the building purely in search of it, and dropped in on Costa.

‘How was the honeymoon?’ he asked.

‘I told you—good.’

‘What did you get up to?’

‘Hill walking,’ Costa said. ‘How’s Roula going?’

‘Well, she doesn’t really talk about it.’

‘I meant work-wise?’