They both laughed, and it was the first time Galen had sat at one of these things and really laughed. Even while he was sad.

He remembered rest of the table. ‘Dora, what do you think of the new version of the game?’

‘I can’t wait to try it,’ Dora said.

Roula watched as Galen and Nico shared a small smile.

Aside from loving Galen, she adored them all. And, honestly, it was the best last night in Athens, with the most amazing, wonderful man, and if she didn’t love him it would be perfect.

‘Roula doesn’t like fish,’ he said as he swapped their dishes, and then he pulled a face. ‘Actually, nor do I tonight.’

She had a creamy pasta dish, that was very nice. Dora didn’t want the fish either, but it seemed Hector was happy to swap with her.

‘You’re quiet Galen,’ Hector commented as Roula slipped off for some air.

‘Hector...’ Dora warned, and she must have given him a little kick, or said something, because Hector quickly stopped asking why Galen was quiet.

Only Roula knew it wasn’t about Yaya...

‘There you are.’ Galen found her on a balcony, drinking in the delicious view. ‘Speeches soon.’


‘We’ve got a few moments.’


‘So, London here you come?’

‘Yes...a clean slate.’

‘Your slate’s already clean, Roula.’ He looked at her then. ‘If you do meet the perfect guy, will you tell him?’

She thought for a moment. ‘No.’

And still Galen stood there, and he knew he could stay quiet, and perhaps that would be wise, but he preferred honesty.

‘Roula,’ he said. ‘I already knew.’

She turned.

‘I knew before you told Yaya. I knew there was something wrong when we danced—not the specifics, but...’

‘You knew?’

‘I don’t delve into people’s sex lives. I don’t care if someone here’s slept with half the ballroom. But after we danced I knew you’d been hurt, and then when we made love... I hoped I was wrong, but...’ He took her hand and he pressed it not on his chest but high on his stomach. ‘I feel it here...with you.’


‘I’ve cancelled my endoscopy. It’s his name that’s been making me ill.’


‘So when you asked me to kiss you—yes, I was surprised, but I was also very mindful that you do not give away kisses. It was the most impractical kiss,’ Galen said, ‘given you were due to start working for me, but...’


He thought for a moment. ‘I was trying to do the right thing for you. It seemed right at the time.’ He looked at her then. ‘I guess I was wrong.’