‘It kind of takes the spontaneity away, doesn’t it?’ She looked at him, and for once he stayed silent. ‘I want a new start,’ the new Roula announced. ‘I’m taking that job in London. I’m leaving next week.’

And then, as simply as that, she took off her wedding band. She didn’t even toss it away with venom—just let it slip to the ground with a little clink and then watched it roll away.

‘Dues paid,’ Roula said. ‘I’m going to go.’

‘I’ll walk you...’

‘Galen.’ She stood up and looked at him. ‘I don’t need you walking me home.’

‘Maybe I’d like to,’ Galen said. ‘To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t mind a drink.’ He took a breath. ‘Just to talk... I don’t know.’

She gave a mirthless laugh. ‘I don’t need your carefully crafted words, Galen.’

‘I might need—’ He stopped. ‘Whatever you want.’

Yaya was as docile as a lamb when he returned.

‘What did they do to you today?’ she askedm and frowned when she saw his strained face.


‘They hurt you?’ she said.

‘No.’ Galen attempted a smile. ‘Maybe...’ he admitted. And he took the little scrawny hand, all covered in bruises from the drips and the medicine he’d insisted upon. ‘They hurt someone I care about.’

‘That’s worse,’ Yaya said. ‘I would have taken ten beatings to spare you one.’