Or was it his ulcer?

‘How about chocolate?’ someone else chimed in.

‘Very well,’ Galen said. ‘Maybe send her a jar of praline balls.’

‘No need...’

They all looked round at the sound of Roula’s voice. ‘But thank you for the thought.’ She glanced over to Galen. ‘I apologise for being late. I had a meeting this morning.’

‘That’s fine,’ Galen said—it was all he could manage.

Far from fraught and ravaged, she looked sensational. Seriously so.

Roula wore a wrap-over dress dotted with red poppies with black velvet centres, tied at the hip with a red velvet bow. And shoes that were far better suited to her pretty feet than those brown ones.

Yet she still wore her wedding ring.

He would never know her. Galen was quite sure of that. Reading Braille would be easier—and that was not an idle thought, because he’d actually dabbled in it once.

‘Roula!’ Dora jumped up. ‘We’ve all been so worried.’

‘Honestly, I’m fine...’

She smiled a new smile—one he hadn’t yet seen. For it was neither her PA smile, nor her guest services manager smile, just a bright, breezy smile that went absolutely nowhere—certainly not to her eyes.

‘I knew this was coming. I’m just embarrassed at all the drama it’s caused.’

He caught up with her a short while after, feeding paper into a shredder, and she looked up and gave him that smile.

‘How are you?’ Galen asked. ‘Really?’

‘I’m actually relieved.’

‘Come off it, Roula. How has it been?’

‘Fine,’ she said. ‘You were right—it was sensible of me not to go back to the island just yet. So I’ve dealt with most of it over the phone. I had a legal meeting this morning—that’s why I was late.’

‘That’s it?’ he checked.

‘Pretty much.’

‘I’ll call Leo, then.’ Galen shrugged. ‘And get the gossipy version from him. And Costa’s due back next week...’

‘I thought you didn’t chat about your staff?’

‘I don’t. But I do have a social life, and I’m sure we’ll catch up soon, and they’ll talk. I don’t police the topics.’

‘You just listen?’

‘Yes.’ Galen smiled. ‘You learn a lot more that way. Look, do you want to go for dinner later and—?’

‘No, thank you. I just want to get through these next few weeks as professionally as I can. I’ve put you down as a reference, as I’ve filled in a few job applications. I hope that’s okay?’

‘Of course.’

And Galen reallywasarrogant and aloof, because he went to walk off.

Despite her best intentions the new Roula couldn’t quite leave it there.