Galen woke in his temperature-controlled bedroom to a distinct lack of drama. He took coffee on the terrace and gazed not upon the stunning view but at his laptop, and the results of a couple of days’ neglect, work-wise.

Well, a couple of weeks of neglect, really—things had not been running to his meticulous schedule since Costa had hauled him back to Anapliró for his wedding.

Herefusedto allow his mind to wander towards Roula.

So they’d had a row?

Certainly he was more than used to that with women.

Deliberately he didn’t check the news—it was none of his business if she chose to go back to the island.

At least with Roula off until Monday, Dion, his regular temp, was due to commence work and order was about to be restored.

He went in and showered and shaved. To say he nicked himself shaving would have been a severe understatement, for his razor was beyond blunt.


He looked like a teenager after his first meeting with a razor, Galen thought as he surveyed the dots of tissue over his jaw.

Oh, and it was a corporate day, so instead of his preferred jeans he pulled on a suit and tie.

He bought coffee on the walk to work and decided to get his visit with Yaya done early today.


She was sitting up in bed, all rosy-cheeked from her latest blood transfusion and eagle-eyed. ‘You cut yourself shaving?’

‘Yes,’ Galen said, ‘thank you for noticing.’

‘It looks like nail marks...’ Yaya said.

‘No, just a blunt razor.’

‘As if she dragged her nails down your face.’

‘I got you this...’ He took out a bun and she chewed on it.

‘Where’s Roula?’

‘I don’t know.’ He gave an impatient shrug. ‘On some days off...’

‘Did Roula do that?’ Yaya asked dragging her fingers down her own cheek. ‘Did you two fight?’

‘What the hell do you think I get up to?’ Galen said. ‘No! Eat.’

Galen didn’t stay for long, instead heading to the relative peace of work—except as he stepped in to greet those who were there it was as if a hundred screen flicked away from the news on Anapliró and they all pretended to get back to work.

‘Morning, Galen!’ Dora called as he walked past and then came dashing out. ‘Thank you for calling about my dog. it meant so much...’

‘That’s fine.’

‘It was unexpected.’

Well, it had been Roula’s idea, but he enquired after the dog anyway, when really his mind was elsewhere, and found out that Dora’s sister was staying for a few days.