She stared back, nonplussed.

‘You know,’ Galen said. ‘Float...’

Roula did not know that feeling.

‘I ticked some things off your list while I was playing secretary today,’ he went on.

‘Like what?’

‘I declined dressing like a charm for the gaming convention—so you don’t have to run that one by me.’

‘I was actually going to make an executive decision there and decline for you.’

Her hair had moved forward as she’d rolled over, and to Roula it just felt good when his hand pushed it out of her eyes.

‘You smell nice,’ she told him.

‘So do you,’ he lifted a strand of hair and inhaled it. ‘Sunshine. But we’re being good, because you’re upset tonight and I am not taking advantage.’

He made it easy to breathe even with her racing heart. Always he reassured her—always.

Perhaps more to the point, there was no way she’d let anything happen. No flesh beneath her pyjamas would be touched or seen.

Roula was more than aware that she needed some kind of major intervention, but it was bliss just to lie talking. It was nice to just lie face-on and to really look at his beautiful eyes, to be locked away with Galen for a while.

‘What else did my secretary do?’ Roula asked.

‘I got through quite a bit,’ Galen said. ‘One thing: “Ask about Pipéri?” What does that mean?’

‘Dora’s dog.’


‘He’s having knee surgery tomorrow.’


‘He’s going to be on wheels...’

‘Are you kidding?’

‘No. Little wheels on his back legs, so that he can get around.’ Roula nodded. ‘I’d have done it for my dog...’


Roula nodded.

‘How did you know about Pipéri?’ Galen asked.

‘I asked. You should try it.’

He saw that tiny raising of her eyebrows. ‘I do ask. I ask how she is... I ensure that I speak... And Kristina sorts out gifts...’ Galen took a breath. ‘Maybe you can send her flowers from me?’

‘I’m on stress leave.’ Roula smiled. ‘Anyway, you don’t know how his surgery went yet—perhaps you should call and ask her tomorrow?’

‘Get out.’

Galen smiled, but he was staring, and Roula was back in another time in her life with Galen when a conversation was being had without words...when she could see he was thinking about what she’d just said.