He did up one of the buttons.

Just that.

‘Are we crossing lines here, Galen?’ Roula asked.

‘A little,’ Galen said as he ran a hand down her arm. ‘Extenuating circumstances.’


‘But we’re being good,’ Galen said. ‘Because we have to work together.’


‘As well as that...’ his hand slid over her bottom ‘...you told me yourself—you’re not like me.’


‘You know when. At the wedding...when I propositioned you.’

‘I don’t think it was quite that.’

‘It was exactly that,’ Galen said. ‘I offered a one-night stand and you declined. Remember?’

Roula met his eyes and nodded.

‘I want you,’ he said. ‘I think you are so hot, and so cold, and there are times I think you want me too, but...’


‘Okay...’ Galen had come up with a couple of theories of his own—a few, in fact—and now he offered her one. ‘Given you’ve waited this long since...’Argh!He couldn’t even say his name. ‘Well, perhaps you’re holding on for someone who can give you more than sex. But that’s all I give, Roula. I am terrible at relationships. I just don’t do them—’

‘Galen,’ Roula cut in. ‘I’m honestly not ready for one,’ she admitted. ‘I’m just not. But can I say this one thing?’

‘Go ahead.’

‘Youaregood at relationships. You have amazing friends, and not by chance, and I was wrong about your work—you have staff who are devoted to you. Again not by chance.’

‘Perhaps,’ Galen said, ‘but I don’t want an intimate relationship. I don’t want to lie here and say the wrong thing, or ask,Honey, how was your day?and pretend to listen as I tune out. All that...’ He shrugged. ‘I tried all that when I was still going by theFind the One and Settle Downrule book. It never worked.’


‘First one?’ Galen said. ‘She asked where we were going—I said, “Back to bed, hopefully.” You get the drift...’

‘Second?’ Roula smiled.

‘That was a very big row. She asked what I was thinking in that moment, when we were lying there—you know...we’d just... And so I told her.’

‘Whatwereyou thinking?’

‘Well, Costa was wanting a cheaper office rental. We were really broke then, but the slightly more expensive one came with utilities included. I wanted to mine crypto...’


‘It takes a lot of electricity,’ Galen explained. ‘I was wondering how long I could get away with it before the landlord noticed.’

‘That’s what you were thinking?’

‘Yes.’ He nodded. ‘After sex. When you’re just supposed to...’