Hisscent cut the air now. Citrussy. And he must have shaved in the shower, Roula thought, because he had been gone just a few scant minutes and returned, clean shaven, wearing fresh dark jeans and a thin grey jumper that was a little damp on the shoulder.

Perhaps from his wet hair, or maybe he really hadn’t dried off.

Well, not to Roula’s exacting standards.

Actually, she did not have exacting standards about men drying their shoulders except where Galen was concerned, and the blush that had stayed down on her first glimpse since that kiss emerged a little now.

‘All okay?’ Galen asked.

‘Yes.’ Roula nodded.

‘We’re not awkward?’ he checked.

‘No,’ Roula said, and she gave him a smile. ‘Not awkward at all. I’ve had ten kisses since then...’

Galen smiled at her little joke.

He wanted to add,I haven’t.


In fact, since Costa had informed him about a certain wedding on Anapliró there’d been nothing.

Save for one kiss...

And, despite the state of his office, he had not got an awful lot of work done, either. Well, certainly not enough for Galen’s obsessive standards.

He’d been cross with himself when he’d come back to the office late on Friday.

Then he’d been distracted by the prospect of her arrival on Monday.

And now he was distracted because she was here.

For there was that sunshine scent and those wavy patterns before his eyes.

Only it was not the patterns playing hell with his mind.

It was a very different type of sensory overload Galen was dealing with this Monday morning.

‘I need to get on.’

‘Of course.’

Roula happily gave up on his appalling office and found, to her surprise, that there was a gorgeous coffee machine. Yet he preferred his from the café?

There was also a fridge, piled high with flavoured sparkling caffeinated beverages. Her addiction of choice! And a whole jar of chocolate balls on the table—the ones with the liquid centre and others with pieces of praline.

She had to walk past ground control to get there, but Galen was always lost in his screens.

He was trying to be.

He breathed out and watched as she wandered over to the glass table and took another handful of chocolate balls.

Everyone did.

It was just what they did.

Yet now he was considering moving the glass jar because he was looking at her bottom—and, God, that wasnotGalen at work.