‘You seem pleased?’

‘I am—it’s usually me cancelling him.’ He looked over to the approaching waiter. ‘Could you give us a moment, please?’

‘Are we leaving?’ Roula checked, assuming the night was over.

‘No, no,’ Galen said. ‘I told you that we need to speak... Did Kristina explain everything?’

‘Yes.’ Roula nodded. ‘She was very thorough.’

‘Any concerns?’ he asked. ‘Because now is the time to air them.’

‘I don’t think so.’ Roula shook her head. While there was no way she would be able to work for him permanently, she was only here for six weeks. She could survive in the fridge where he worked for that long. ‘As I said, she was very thorough. Though it’s Friday—shouldn’t you be locked in your office now?’

‘I’ll be headed there soon.’ He nodded. ‘It’s been one of those days. One PA leaving...another one arriving.’


‘I actually have some concerns myself, Roula,’ Galen said, and though his voice was calm and even there was no mistaking a certain edge to his tone. ‘Kristina is, as we speak, in hospital, strapped to monitors.’

Roula’s eyes flashed up as she realised she’d been caught lying on her first day. ‘Is she okay?’

‘Well, she’s certainly not “wonderful”, as you made out. I specifically asked you how she was.’

‘Galen, I thought you were just messaging to see how it was all going,’ Roula admitted. ‘If we were getting along...’

‘Why would I care if two professionals who will never see each other again are getting along?’ he asked, clearly irritated. ‘Do you think I suddenly looked up and thought,Oh, I hope they are having a nice time...’ He shook his head in frustrated annoyance. ‘I messaged you to ask how Kristina was. You should have told me.’

‘You really want me to tell you when a staff member has a headache?’ Roula checked. ‘I didn’t think it was that kind of place.’

‘Excuse me?’

Roula was assertive at work. ‘It’s clear your staff leave their private lives at the door,’ she said.

‘Don’t we all?’ he said. ‘Or do you smile like that at home?’

‘Like what?’

He flashed her an odd bright smile and then halted. ‘Look, I get why you didn’t tell me,’ he conceded. ‘She’s nearly due, though.’


‘My driver returned concerned, so I texted you to see how she was.’

‘I see that now.’

Subject closed.

‘Shall we get menus?’


Not quite closed.

‘Roula, I overreacted. But it was clearly panic stations for Kristina.’

‘Can you find out how she is?’

‘Ruben said he will call.’