‘You worked for Costa, yes?’

‘Correct—well, Yolanda was my direct boss...’

‘I know he has several hotels, but it’s a family business—yes?’

Roula nodded.

‘Well, thisisn’ta family business,’ Kristina warned her. ‘If I want a cake and a party, then I’ll ask my husband or my friends.’

Roula considered herself told!

The whole place—including the people—were just so cold. It was beautiful, but so clinical Roula was sure a forensics team would struggle to find a fingerprint, let alone signs of life.

‘This is the guest lounge,’ Kristina said. ‘But there is another downstairs. I prefer visitors to wait down there.’

All the staff were so engrossed they barely looked up as she was shown around. There was an open-plan staff lounge, but no one was gathered there. Perhaps because their boss’s office was opposite, and most of the doors were glass.

Not that Galen looked up.

He was a man of many screens! Roula counted six as they passed.

‘Nico...’ Kristina introduced her to a young man. ‘This is Roula.’

He barely looked up, just mumbled, ‘Hi...’

‘Now I’ll take you to Dora, the laziest woman on God’s earth. She’ll be playing games online, but the second she sees us...’

Sure enough, Dora reminded Roula of her nieces when they were pretending to do their homework. Except Dora was in her fifties and her curls were grey. She jolted to attention and pretended to be busy as she quickly closed down her screen in the same way the twins did.

‘Dora,’ Kristina said, in a very bored voice. ‘This is Roula, my temporary replacement. I’ve told her that if she has any problems she is to come to you.’

‘Of course.’ Dora smiled. ‘It’s lovely to meet you, Roula.’

‘Thank you,’ Roula said as she received her first real smile since her arrival. ‘Likewise.’

‘Dora?’ Kristina soon broke the pleasant exchange. ‘Can you please get off whatever game you’re wasting time on and sort out Nico’s leave, and then chase HR for Roula’s contract...?’

‘I was actually just doing that.’

Kristina gave a scoffing laugh, but stopped as her phone bleeped. ‘Galen wants me.’

‘Hetextsyou?’ Roula checked—because they were literally a few steps away from his office, should he deign to look up.

‘Of course,’ Kristina said.

Roula’s jaw gaped as Kristina, as if she was training a puppy, told her to ‘Stay!’

No, she did not want to be Kristina any more.

‘She’s like that with everyone.’

Roula turned as Dora unwrapped a chocolate ball.

‘Don’t take it personally...’

Who were these people who texted and offended, but took no offence...?

Oh, she wanted to be back in Anapliró, where at least at work she knew who she was and was the best at her job...