‘Unless youpreferyour staff to be dressed by Leo Arati?’

‘Kristina asked for it to be in her contract. I was just...’ He shrugged and nodded to a doorman, who opened one of the old wooden doors.

And there the square evaporated.

The ancient building was still there, but its imperfections had somehow been enhanced. Stone walls were exposed, and old windows too, yet there were glass cloisters and elevators, and it was so vast it felt as if she was looking up to a spaceship.

‘It’s stunning,’ Roula croaked.

It was so much more than that.

‘It’s a bit confusing at first,’ Galen warned as they walked past a security guard. ‘Costa’s got the second floor, though he’s still on honeymoon. And my development team’s main workspace is through there...’

She looked at the handful of people behind glass, all working away and completely oblivious to them.

‘There are also private offices on my floor. I’m sure Kristina will explain.’

He showed her the codes to the glass elevators and that felt overwhelming, but then she recalled her terror on her first day of work at the retreat.

She could do this.

‘Roula, this is Kristina.’


Kristina was indeed dressed by Leo Arati!

For her last day in the office she wore a little black dress, and her make-up was so ‘after-five’ she would have parted a velvet rope anywhere. Even her baby bump, though large for her petite frame, seemed to want to oblige, and was so neat and round that it fully deserved its own little bow—not that she would ever wear one.

I want to be her, Roula thought. Well, not specifically Kristina, but she wanted to wear red lipstick as if she simply always did, and to own every part of herself as she crossed a room.

For a moment Kristina discussed a dinner booking with Galen, and then she addressed Roula. ‘This will be your office—well, after today...’ Kristina smiled a very brittle smile.

‘Oh,’ Roula said, as she looked at the bare surroundings. There was so much glass she felt as if she stood inside an ice cube. ‘You didn’t have to clear out your personal effects and things...’

‘I didn’t,’ Kristina said tartly. ‘I like a tidy space. I’ll give you a tour and a rundown, then take you to the apartment.’ She glanced to Galen. ‘We’ll be fine.’

‘Well, very best wishes,’ Galen said. ‘I hope all goes well.’

‘Thank you.’ Roula smiled.

‘I think he was talking to me,’ Kristina said rather pointedly. ‘Thanks, Galen. I guess I’ll see you in six weeks.’

That was it? Roula tried not to gape at this very matter-of-fact farewell. Gosh, at the retreat if a member of staff was leaving to have a baby—well, it was a wonder that any work got done on that day!

And this was his personal assistant!

Kristina made no attempt at conversation as she packed up her bag.

‘So are you all out celebrating tonight...?’ Roula attempted brightly, wondering if that was the dinner booking that she had mentioned.

‘Sorry?’ Kristina glanced up.

‘The dinner?’

‘Roula, may I be blunt?’

‘Go ahead.’