Roula hadn’t just shut down that side of herself—it had never even existed. Possibly there had been a shy curiosity about her body once, but it had died on her wedding night.

And then she laughed out loud.

Gosh, she’d barely coped with a dance! Roula knew she would run a mile from a kiss... A relationship with a man was an impossible dream at best, and from all she had learned—had been told by him, in fact—Galen was not interested in that.

And Roula was not interested in sex.

So she had a slight crush on him? Her very first.

Then again, she had seen Galen at his impressive, sociable best, groomed for a wedding.

He had told her himself he was different at work.

More, Galen made her feel...not nervous, not scared...but, just as he always had, he made her feel brave.

Roula took from her bag her rarely used phone and dialled the number he had given. Her heart was pounding when she got an automated response.

‘Galen...’ Roula took a breath. ‘I don’t think I thanked you properly for the opportunity.’ She hesitated. Then, ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘I would like to accept...’

Her time had run out, for the phone clicked off.

She’d done it.

Roula stepped out into Reception a little stunned at her own boldness. Surely she should have discussed things first with Yolanda? Or her mother? Or...?

Her eyes were drawn to the occasional table and a beautiful arrangement of bougainvillea there. A frequent sight, perhaps, but she would know those blooms anywhere, for Roula had cut them herself.

‘Where are these from?’ she asked the cleaner, who was vacuuming.

‘One of the guests left them.’ She turned off the vacuum cleaner. ‘I hope that’s okay? It just seemed a shame to waste them.’

‘Of course,’ Roula agreed. ‘Did the guest forget them?’ she asked, while knowing it was a pointless question, for the butler would have done a sweep of the rooms. Not so much as a phone lead would be left behind by a Temple Suite guest.

‘No, they were in the trash,’ the cleaner said, and went back to vacuuming.

Oh, Galen...