‘Will you go up to the house?’ Roula asked. ‘Perhaps take something back for her?’

‘It was all very last minute. I was only told about the wedding on Thursday night.’

‘We didn’t find out much before that,’ Roula admitted, glancing up as a couple who were topping up their drinks in between balloon-popping chimed into their conversation.

‘Nor us—we were taking bets about your plus one, Galen.’

‘Not a chance,’ Galen said.

‘Told you!’ The woman smiled at her partner. ‘I said he’d be here on his own.’

‘Have you just broken up with someone?’ Roula asked.

‘No.’ He shook his head. ‘Nothing to break.’

‘Oh, sorry. I thought when they said they were taking bets...’

‘They were being facetious.’

‘About you being single?’

‘I don’t date,’ Galen said. ‘Believe me, the thought of a long weekend entertaining someone...’ He shook his head. ‘No.’

‘“Entertaining”?’ Roula checked.

‘Breakfast, flying together, driving to the airport, getting ready...’ He must have seen her frown. ‘I don’t do well with relationships.’

‘Well, I’m sure you’ll...’

Roula looked, and then looked again. Because even if she was dead inside—well, there was no denying Galen was stunning.

‘I’m sure the right person is out there.’

‘Roula,’ he said, and looked directly at her. ‘I think we may have crossed wires—I activelychoosenot be in a relationship.’

‘Oh...’ Roula said, relieved they had found a common thread. ‘Like me.’

For the first time that evening their eyes met.

Galen didn’t flirt—there was no need when he were as beautiful as he was—but, more than that, romance was not an arena he played in. His refusal to acknowledge her entrance to the party had been...well, deliberate. For he was skilled at a certain game. He was also discerning and discreet.

And he chose his moment now, when the rest were distracted, and offered invitation with his eyes.

If Roula was interested he was about to find out, for she now glanced towards him and met his gaze.

Her eyes were brown—that he already knew—and yet for the first time Galen ventured into their burnt umber.

Where do you go, Roula?he asked silently, and when she did not look away his hazel gaze delved a little further.Do you want to go there with me?

Roula found herself caught in his line of vision and for a brief moment had the sensation of being pulled by a gentle undertow—floating mindlessly, willingly, as the noise of the revellers around them seemed to dim.

It was the oddest sensation—to be locked in another’s eyes—but perhaps only because she’d never been asked if she’d like to indulge before, had only ever been taken, Roula misread the question.

Was he still cross about earlier? she wondered. Because she felt a little... She wasn’t sure what. Anxious, perhaps...scrutinised, maybe?

Roula flicked her gaze away.

‘Hey, Galen...’ someone called.