‘I said no to you.’

‘Yes,’ he agreed. ‘And I respected that. But I knew something had been left undone...’

Roula swallowed. ‘As I said, history repeats itself.’

They were back at the table.

‘Come on Dora,’ Galen said. ‘One more.’

Roula was left with Hector, who was looking longingly at Dora.

Thankfully Nico had discovered someone from social media, who was now draped around him, and so Roula collected up her purse and knew she could leave.

The sensible part of her mind was reminding her that having this conversation with Galen might be better done from afar, because she really didn’t want him to see her breaking down.

Except she felt ridiculously alive tonight.

On fire.

Brave, even.

So it was Roula who took out her phone and sat at the table as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth and replied to his text.


She got a smiley face in return.