They played some more in the water. He put her up on his shoulders and she said she felt as if she was on the top of the world. They kissed in the water, like true lovers, and then, sandy and wet, headed back to the villa.

‘We’ll go up to the hills,’ Costa said, but she’d stopped in her stride, because Nemo was there.

‘I don’t want him driving us,’ she said.

‘No, no,’ Costa said. ‘He’s here to collect your cases. I’ll tell him it was a mix-up.’

Nemo did not seem best pleased by the news, and shot her a look before sauntering off.

‘Have you told the helicopter pilot?’ she asked.

‘I’ll do so now,’ Costa told her. He was about to suggest she put on some shorts, but she looked so happy in her casual loose sundress that he didn’t want to. ‘Come on.’

They took one of the hotel scooters—a mode of transport that Costa knew well.

‘Don’t we need helmets?’ Mary asked.

‘I don’t even think they exist in Anapliró...’ He shook his head and laughed, but then he saw her expression.

And in that moment something changed in him.


‘I’ll find some.’

They put on their helmets and she clung to his bare back as they zipped along the ocean road. It was an experience she would never forget. He took the mountain route and they climbed higher, to where the air was cooler, with spectacular views of the bay spread out beneath them. He pulled over and they stared down on atheatron.

‘Galen and I would train there,’ he said, ‘to get fit for the military.’

‘Can we go down there?’

‘No time.’

They zoomed off again and she was breathless from sheer happiness. Though she knew next to nothing about him, there was such a sense of freedom and promise in the air as he took her hand.

‘Our latest rival,’ Costa said as he pulled in at a restaurant. ‘Come on.’

‘We’re not suitably dressed,’ Mary said, although that hadn’t stopped him. ‘They’re busy,’

The staff were dashing around everywhere, even though there were no customers, but it soon transpired that they were getting ready for tonight.

A harried-looking chef came out. ‘Costa Leventis?’

It was clear they had not met before, and they chatted for a moment before the chef headed off.

‘I told him we want to sample tonight’s food,’ said Costa. ‘He’s packing a basket...’

‘A picnic?’


‘Youryayalived up here?’

‘A little further up,’ Costa told her. ‘That is where we are headed.’

The chef returned with a picnic box, which Costa strapped to the back of the scooter. They both got on after expressing their thanks, and they carried on up the mountain.

It took another fifteen minutes or so and then he turned off onto a small road which Mary noticed was freshly paved. Costa halted the scooter and she watched as gates opened on their approach.