‘As expected,’ Mary responded. ‘She fired me.’

But then, as always, Mary surprised him. Because she suddenly smiled and kicked her legs.

‘It was actually liberating.’

‘Good,’ Costa said, liking her smile.

‘I headed to the airport hotel and ate all the chocolate in the minibar and then the nuts,’ she informed him. She’d felt guilty about it at the time, but not now. ‘And then I turned on a movie and lay on the bed and saidgia parti mou...’

‘Good for you,’ Costa told her.

They floated on, the water holding them apart and then drifting them together occasionally, so that their shoulders brushed or their arms touched. She wondered why she did not feel shy, and why she could be nearly naked beside him yet feel soothed. Suspended rather than adrift.

But then the outside lights came on, and Costa sighed at the reminder of the time and where they needed to be.

‘Ought we to go?’ Mary asked, knowing this little interlude was over.


She could hear the reluctance in his response.

‘Why do you hate coming here?’ Mary asked as they faced each other in the water. Now she looked not at the stitches, nor at the bruises, just at him.

Costa didn’t quite know how to answer. Right now he did not hate being home. He could hear thegrylosstarting to chirp, and the sounds of laughter in the distance, could smell the scent of the ocean beyond.

He didn’t answer her question, but it didn’t matter now. Because their arms were touching and their hips were lightly bumping together,

‘Why did you kiss me like a mannequin on the ferry?’ she asked.

‘I don’t like performing for an audience,’ Costa said, and took her hand to help guide her out.

But it was Mary who moved in closer and kissed him—perhaps because she had to, perhaps because she had the safety of knowing a kiss was all it could be for now, for there were places this seemingly happy couple needed to be.

The horrors of the day dissolved as he reached for her waist and glided her closer.

They kissed lightly, but slowly. Not a practice kiss now, nor one for the benefit of others. Just two adults finally alone. He pulled her to face him, and Mary cared not that her feet would not reach the ground, for she was held right against him.

His tongue was thorough, and it seemed to inspire her to wrap her legs around him. She didn’t know what she was doing, except that it felt like perfection. His hands were holding her waist and she coiled her arms around his neck and just sank into his kiss as his hands roamed the sides of her body.

Mary felt as she had at the bar that night, burning and taut, only now there was the warm thrill of his bare skin beneath her thighs.

It was Costa who pulled back, for with Mary he would take his time.

‘Still beautiful,’ he said as he pulled his head back and looked at her spiky lashes, with her hips still in his hands.

‘I don’t want the guest room tonight,’ Mary confessed.

‘Thank God for that.’ He smiled.

Costa knew he would wait for tonight, but as he stroked one nipple to a peak through her bikini top he heard her low moan. She wrapped herself more tightly around him and he removed the top entirely. A quick climax for Mary would be his absolute pleasure right now...

Costa lifted her a bit and she closed her eyes as he tasted her breast. It felt as if he was stirring her deep inside with each slow suck. And when she forgot to breathe he gave her a brief pause before moving his mouth to the other one.

He moaned, and it shivered through her, and then he kissed her, more deeply this time, and drew her more tightly against him. His hardness pressed against her heat, and after a day that had felt so fraught, she felt so very free.

His hands were on her breasts now as she clung on, stroking them and pinching them as her body sourced the centre of him...

Bed now, Costa was thinking, for there was protection there. Except right now she was warm against him, and nearly there, pressed into him. So he positioned her on the tip of his erection and enjoyed the humming noise she made, her obvious pleasure...