It was as if the entire party were watching this moment, as if all the guests were collectively holding their breaths. Mary felt as if she’d walked in halfway through a complicated stage play. No, not even halfway through...more like at the curtain call.

These were the people who played the biggest parts in Costa’s life and somehow she was trying to work out their roles. Roula was supposed to be the leading lady tonight, and Mary felt as if she had stepped into her shoes at the last minute and bumped Roula down to a supporting role.

‘This is my brother Nemo,’ Roula said. ‘Though I suppose you will already have met...’

‘We have.’ Mary smiled. ‘He picked us up from the ferry.’

‘Always working.’ Nemo’s smile did not reach his eyes. ‘It’s good to see you both.’

It was the perfect party, Mary thought, although there were no balloons. But there was laughter and dancing and incredible food that she barely tasted, for she’d been eating on and off all day. This was the kind of night Mary had always wanted—a glimpse of family and acceptance, and a lot of dancing and conversation.

‘I have no idea what Costa is up to tomorrow,’ Yolanda said as the men all began to dance in an odd circle. ‘Do you?’

‘I would never spoil a surprise,’ Mary answered carefully.

She watched Costa slip away from the circle and glance over to Roula. Mary felt a dip in her stomach as the pair moved away together for a moment.


He had told her they were friends, and she had believed him, but, yes, a little seed of doubt sprouted.

Stop it now, Mary told herself as Costa came back from wherever he had been with Roula.This is not your life.

And then glasses started clinking and it was time for the speeches—except Yolanda really didn’t seem to want that.

‘I’ll keep it short,’ Yolanda said, ‘because my English is not good enough for a long speech, and I want to welcome Costa’s English friend. Really, thank you all for being here tonight. I was twenty-five when Stavros left. Two weeks later I lost my sight, I lost my dignity, but worse than that I lost my hope. I thought my life was over. Twenty-five years later, life has never felt so good...’ She looked over to her son. ‘I love you, Costa.’

It was the shortest, sweetest speech, and Mary’s mind was darting. Twenty-five years ago meant Costa had been ten! Ten! Working at the marina, while also being a provider and carer for his mother.

HisEnglish hadn’t slipped when he’d described love as ‘panic’, because Mary was doing that even thinking about what he must have been through.

It was all a blur after that, really. Costa made a quick toast to his mother’s health, but Yolandareallydid not want any more speeches and soon the party was back in full swing.

And she was in Costa’s arms again. But there was a churning of anger growing within her.

‘Some lucky star,’ Mary said, and she had to swallow down her bitterness. Only it coursed through her even while his hands held her steady. ‘You never said you were so young. Sleeping on a beach...’ She was trying not to imagine the horrors.

‘Mary,’ he said, ‘nothing terrible happened to me. Yes, it was difficult, and it was a challenge, but nothing truly bad happened.’

She looked up.

‘I do believe I was always looked after.’

They swayed, and danced, and yet she could not close her eyes and sink into the bliss, for she was suddenly aware that she was leaving tomorrow and did not quite know how to step away as she had promised.

Mary looked at the candles burning down, and before her very eyes one died and sputtered out. She watched the snake of black smoke and she repeated over and over to herself the very wish made on the night they had met,Please don’t let this man see how I feel.

Her eyes drifted as they danced.

Nemo clearly wasn’t off duty. He was standing watching proceedings, ensuring there was no trouble. His eyes landed briefly on Mary and she stilled.

‘What’s wrong?’ Costa asked.


He ran warm hands down her shivering arms. ‘Tell me.’

‘Nemo,’ she said. ‘I don’t think he likes me...’