Such pleasure...

She had thought it would be complicated, but it was definitely not, for as he undid the ties on the bottoms of her bikini all she felt was relief, as if finally discarding some impossible weight.

‘Costa...’ She was on the very edge of something new and delicious, and yet there was not a shred of fear.

‘Don’t you dare fake it...’ he warned, and she did not know what he could possibly mean, because she was on fire in the tepid water.

‘Take me to bed,’ she begged, for she was desperate.

There was no time for bed, though. Costa was burning to feel her come on him—just that and no more.

He stripped off with the same ease he had in the bedroom. More ease perhaps.

Mary was so focussed on pleasure that he saw it took a second for her mired brain to register the splash as his swimwear hit the stone tiles at the edge of the pool.

‘There...’ she moaned, as if he didn’t know that the pearl he stroked was unravelling her.

She was tense in his arms because she did not know how to deal with the frenzy he was firing up inside her. The first probing of his fingers had her biting down on his shoulder in both shock and bliss.

The turn-on of Mary being a little bit savage brought him to the brink. Her short rapid breaths, the tension in her body, the feel of her on the edge, rendered him suddenly more selfish, and now this climax was no longer just for one, but for two.

Her hand had found him beneath the water, and he groaned at her light touch, and at the agony of the tease as she removed her hand.


Costa said something throaty in Greek and lifted her. The first nudge of him hurt, only it wasn’t the size of him that stopped her. It was the warm velvet skin she had felt with her hand. And there was one single thing she knew about sex: he was unprotected.

‘What...?’ He must have felt her tense, and he pulled back to see her pained features. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Costa...’ She didn’t know how to tell him, how to find the words to express what she wanted to say. ‘You said just a swim...’

He closed his eyes and almost dropped all contact, except they were out ofherdepth, not his, so he moved her to the edge, then hauled himself out.

Mary tried not to look at his naked arousal, but failed, and then he was already back inside the villa.

Like riled flatmates they took turns with the bathroom and dressed behind closed doors.

In fact, Mary used a bidet for the first time in her life, just to cool the burn that his first nudge had caused. She wondered if she could get away with not telling him she was a virgin.

Because after that brief glimpse of heaven Mary definitely no longer wanted to be!

She was certain that she wanted her first to be him.

Mary could think no further ahead than that.

‘Ready?’ Costa asked as she came out of the bedroom, dressed in the mint-green dress, this time with her damp hair tied back—not that he would notice, because he barely looked in her direction.

‘Yes,’ she said, picking up her bag and taking out the card she’d bought.

‘What’s this?’ he asked.

Mary glanced up and tried to face him for the first time since...

He looked stunning, of course, in pale linen trousers and a fine-knit top that showed off the toned body around which she’d so recently been coiled. His black hair was wet and brushed back and he looked as thoroughly disgruntled as she herself felt. Well, not disgruntled...but she felt all knotted up inside.

‘A birthday card.’

It was a very nice card, Mary thought, with ‘50’ written in gold as well as a pair of false eyelashes stuck to the front, which Yolanda could peel off and wear if she so chose.