If there had been a napkin handy, she was rather sure he’d have wiped it over his mouth.


‘WON’TBELONGNOW,’Costa said as they sat holding hands in the back of a luxurious car. But there were no toying fingers; there was no press of thumbs.

Mary glanced up and saw that Nemo was watching her in the rear-view mirror. He had dark brown eyes that were not awkward when they met hers; they were just...brown.

‘It’s quite a drive,’ Mary ventured to Costa as the car hugged the coastal road at speed, making her catch her breath at times. ‘Well, you’d be used to it, I guess...’

‘Not really. I generally fly in.’

They passed some gorgeous old houses, and Costa perked up. He pointed to the hills ahead and told her about a new restaurant. ‘Apparently it’s amazing,’ Costa said. ‘My head chef and the restaurateur are rivals...’


‘So I am duty bound to take you there to check out the competition. We’ll try and go before we leave.’

He moved a strand of her hair and kissed her cheek and she turned to him so readily.

Too readily.

‘I can’t wait,’ Mary said, and lightly kissed him back, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do.

The trouble for Mary, though, was that it was beginning to feel like that.

‘Enough now,’ he said into the shell of her ear, then pulled back.


Of course—the sudden affection and sweet talk had been for the benefit of Nemo.

Stung, she pulled away as they swung into a long driveway. She saw the retreat, low and vast and like a hidden temple...

‘I thought...’

She was silent then, for she had assumed it had been built from scratch, or something, but it really was as if it had stood there for ever. Only now wasn’t the time for questions. Actually, asking questions wasn’t her place in this situation—but it was like playing catch-up on a treasure hunt and knowing you were missing so many important clues.

‘Thank you,’ Costa said, as a bellboy brought their luggage into a villa, carrying it through to the main bedroom. She glimpsed a vast bed draped in dark navy and ached to peer in, but she stood there, a stranger in Costa’s home—or rather, his Anapliró residence, for she could see it was not ahome.

‘It’s incredible,’ Mary said, when the bellboy had gone.

It truly was, for the stone walls should make it feel cold, yet the one wall of glass doors which could clearly be opened up to the outside captured the low sun and the view was enticing.

It was certainly a male space, Mary thought as she walked around, avoiding the subject of the bedroom. She looked up at the high ceiling and then to the gorgeous rugs scattered on the floor, taking in what was to be her home for the next couple of nights.

Mary was used to new homes—or at least she had been while growing up. Used to being the new girl in strange surroundings and always trying to get a feel for a new place. This entire space was clearly stamped as his.

‘Here.’ Costa was clearly not avoiding the subject, and opened up a white door to direct her into a guest room.

Or rather a guestsuite, with a bed dressed in white linen and a beautiful stone-tiled bathroom. For this weekend it would all be hers...and yet it was the dark navy bed in his room that still burned her eyes.

‘You have your own pool, though it’s too small for swimming...’

He walked across the room to open up some French doors and there was the sound of cascading water. As she peered out she could see that she had her own dip pool and fountain, like a mini oasis.

‘You can call the restaurant or the spa if you want food, or a massage or whatever...’ He nodded to the bedside phone. ‘For anything you want, really.’

‘Press two for Costa?’