While she had a family who seemingly adored her, even as a child Ariana had always been told to take her toys and play somewhere else.

To this day it persisted.

While she had access to wealth most people could only dream of, there was a perpetual feeling of emptiness. For Ariana, the golden cup she drank from was so shot through with holes that no gifts—no trust-funded central Rome apartment, no wild party, no designer outfit or A-list appearance—filled her soul.

‘I want a career,’ Ariana insisted.

‘Why now?’ Gian pushed.

‘It’s a new year, a time when everyone takes stock...’ She suddenly looked beyond Gian to the window behind him and saw white flakes dance in the darkness. ‘It is starting to snow.’

‘Don’t change the subject,’ Gian said, without so much as turning his head to take in the weather. It was Ariana he was more interested in. ‘Why now, Ariana?’

Because I’m lonely, she wanted to say.

Because before Mia came along, I thought I had something of a career at Romano Holdings.

Because my days are increasingly empty and there surely has to be more to life than this?

Of course, she could not answer with that, and so she took a breath and attempted a more dignified response. ‘I want to make something of myself, by myself. I want, for a few hours a day, to take off the Romano name. Look, I know what I’m asking is a favour, but—’

‘Let me stop you right there,’ he cut in. ‘I don’t do favours.’

There was from Ariana a slight, almost inaudible laugh, yet Gian understood its wry gist and conceded. ‘Perhaps I make concessions for your father, but he was very good to me when...’

Gian didn’t finish but Ariana knew he was referring to when his brother and parents had died and, to her nosy shame, Ariana hoped to hear more. ‘When what?’ she asked, as if she didn’t know.

Nobody did silence better than Gian.

Surely, not a soul on this earth was as comfortable with silence as he, for he just stared right back at her and refused to elaborate.

It was Ariana who filled the long gap. ‘I didn’t get my father to lean on you, Gian,’ she pointed out. ‘I’m trying my best to do this by myself.’

‘I know that,’ Gian admitted, for if she had asked her father to call in a favour, then Rafael would have had a quiet word with him when he’d visited yesterday.

‘I won’t let you down, Gian.’

But even with Ariana’s assurances, Gian was hesitant. He did not want Ariana to be his problem. He did not need the complication of hiring and, no doubt, having to fire her. And yet,and yet, he grudgingly admired her attempt to make something of herself, aside from the family name she’d been born into.

She broke into his thoughts then. ‘Perhaps you could show me around?’

‘I do not give guided tours to potential staff, that is Vanda’s domain...’

‘Ah, so I’m “potential staff” now?’

‘I did not say that.’

‘Then, as a family friend, you can show me around.’

Gian took a breath, and looked into navy violet eyes and better understood the predicament her parents must find themselves in at times. How the hell did you say no to that?


TOTHESURPRISEof both of them, Gian agreed to the tour of La Fiordelise.

Ariana’s clear interest in the hotel pleased him, and if it had been a real interview, her request would have impressed him indeed.

‘Just a short tour...’ he nodded ‘...given you are my final appointment for the day.’