‘Goodnight,’ he said, but as he opened the door to step out, he added, ‘And for the record, Mia, if there was a ghost, I really don’t think my father would be rattling around this house. I rather think he’d be over at Roberto’s.’

Mia startled. ‘You know?’

‘I do.’ Dante smiled.

‘How do you feel about it?’ Mia asked,

‘We’ll talk in the morning. You’re too tired now, but if you need anything...’

‘Dante—’ Except she was speaking to a closed door.

Mia kicked her heels on the bed in frustration and lay there scarcely able to believe not only that he knew about his father but that he was smiling,andthat he would leave her hanging. But then she started to smile as she realised Dante was giving her a choice.

He always had.

From their first night together, not once had he pushed her, or tried to persuade her.

It was sex, Mia reminded herself.

Nothing more than that to Dante.

Yet he could be hers tonight, if she so chose.

And she so chose!

Mia pulled back the covers and rather gingerly climbed out of bed, because she loathed the house at night, but when she opened the bedroom door she had to smile, because Dante had left the lights on for her.

And there was a shoe at the bottom of the stairs.

A sock too.

Then a shirt.

There was a treasure trail, which she guessed would lead her to his door. She was glad of it, for Mia had never so much as been up these stairs before. There were his trousers halfway down an elegantly lit hallway, and she made her way down it, a little nervous, a little scared, a little cold, but desire propelled her. It was Dante she could accuse of being slovenly now for his black silk boxers were on the floor, leaving no doubt he was naked on the other side.

Pushing open the door, she was met by Dante’s smile in the softly lit room as he pulled back the sheet. She ran the last steps to his bed and climbed into his warm, waiting arms.

‘You know?’ she said, continuing their conversation.

‘I do, and I don’t care about all that now. Come here,’ Dante said, and pulled her not into his arms but up onto his stomach. ‘I only care to see the changes in you.’

He slipped her robe off but she fought to retrieve it as she felt very naked and very aware of his stomach on her sex. ‘Dante...’

‘What?’ he asked. ‘Are you going to play shy?’

‘I am shy.’

‘Not with me you’re not.’

It was true. With Dante she felt less shy.

‘Can I ask you something?’ Dante said, as he held her hips. ‘And you don’t have to answer, only tell me what you want me to know. When you said you’d never known such feelings...’ He felt her blush all over, even her thighs on his waist burnt with embarrassment. ‘Never?’

She nodded.

‘How?’ Dante asked, as if life without sex was an impossible feat.

‘Just...’ she shrugged ‘...no interest.’