‘I think I should go back to London, and just lie low until it all dies down.’

‘You want to live in London?’

‘My family are in London.’

‘What about my family?’ Dante asked. ‘Because that is what my child will be. What? Do I have to fly to see him?’

‘It might be a her.’

‘Well, if it is, I am not living with an ocean keeping me from my daughter! And what about us?’

‘Whataboutus?’ And her foolish heart leapt in hope that he was actually considering them but, of course, this was Dante.

‘Well, are we still going to sleep together?’

‘What the hell?’

‘I’m serious. Sex is important.’

‘An actual date might be nice.’

‘It might,’ Dante agreed, ‘except you don’t want us to be seen together. So, what, do we come together now and then in our decadent palace?’

‘Heaven forbid that you invite me to your home.’

‘Ah, so that is what the sulking is about,’ Dante said. ‘Mia, the press will be outside, and...’ he told the truth, though he at least tried to lighten it ‘...I don’t like to bring women back home. I prefer hotels. It’s better for Alfonzo...’

‘Alfonzo? It’s better for the dog if he doesn’t meet the women you sleep with?’ Her incredulity was topped only by how much she hated his lack of commitment, because it was his commitment she craved.

‘We’ll go to my home if you really want to, but don’t blame me if we’re photographed again.’

‘No, we’ll go to the hotel.’

As the sun rose, of course his phone went off.


It was Sarah, and he told her he’d be there by nine and that she didn’t have to worry about feeding Alfonzo. When he rang off he turned to Mia. ‘I’ll feed him after I drop you at the hotel.’

God, she was even jealous of his dog!

And then, because it was Dante’s phone, the second he ended the call it lit up again.


It was his mother. Mia struggled to keep up with Angela’s very emotional, very rapid words, but it would seem she wanted to tell Stefano and Ariana before he faced the board.

Mia frowned, and had to sit on her hands when Dante suggested they all meet at Romano Holdings at eight.

There wasn’t time.

‘There isn’t time,’ Mia said, because the traffic was already growing. ‘You’ve got to get me to La Fiordelise, and feed Alfonzo. We’re already pushing things.’

‘Can’t you just wait in my office? There’s a private entrance to the car park.’

‘No!’ Mia was adamant, but then checked herself, not wanting to make this harder on him. After all, it was a big thing that Angela was about to be honest with the twins. ‘Fine, but as long as I don’t have to see any of your family or colleagues, andthenwe go straight to La Fiordelise.’

‘Fine,’ Dante bit back.