She laughed. ‘Where did you learn that?’ she asked. And even before the burn of jealousy could take her over, that he might have learned it in the arms of another woman, Nico halted her.

‘Vincenzo taught me.’



The Silibri contingent saw the smiles and the near-kiss and started clinking their spoons on their glasses, demanding that Nico and Aurora proceed.

Oh, his kiss was heaven.

Just heavenly.

Deep and slow and loving.

And Aurora was starting to let go of that tiny little percentage of worry that Nico might not be as on board with this as she.

She could never be an actress, she knew, for she let her emotions carry her away. While Nico, on the other hand…

But this kiss was both silk and velvet, and it was at her own wedding party, which she had dreamed of.

It was Aurora who wanted to leave and go to bed…

But then it started.

A huge circle was forming, and she and Nico were being pushed into the middle.

‘The tarantella,’ Aurora informed him, still sure that weddings were not his thing.

‘I know what it is, Aurora.’

He spun her as the circle moved in and out, with laughter and dancing, friends and family. The music pushed them to dance faster, and Nico never missed a beat.

Nico pulled her into him, and even in the midst of a circle full of joy and laughter he read in the woman he loved a sense of duty.

No glass would go unfilled tonight.

And no smile would be unreturned.

In a few moments he would take her upstairs and make love to her, as expected, but there was no sense of duty there.

How did he tell this complex woman that neither guilt nor duty could have him dancing the tarantella with such glee tonight?

Nico even held her hands as they were jumping. Stood in the middle of a circle doing silly jumping claps as the accordion insisted they jump some more.

This was a husband she had never seen before.

And Aurora really had to get him to a bed!

‘My wife is tired,’ Nico explained as they left. ‘Party on.’

Aurora kissed her tiny son, who had been an absolute angel and would be treated like a prince in her parents’ home tonight.

‘I love you,’ she said to Gabe. ‘And I love your father so, so much.’

‘Come on,’ Nico said, and he took her hand.

There would be celebrations aplenty tonight, if he knew this lot, but right now he wanted his wife alone.