Aurora loved Silibri very much, but though there were so many decent memories she could think of, there were old hurts that resided there for Nico, and current ones for Aurora too, for her parents had turned their backs when she had needed them the most.

‘We’ll be based here, Nico,’ she said. ‘I want to sleep most nights in the bed where Gabe was made, and I want to wake to the Villa Borghese Park outside my window.’

‘You’re sure?’

‘Very,’ Aurora said, and then thought about it some more. ‘We’ll go back often,’ she added, and then she looked over to him. ‘And, of course, I would like to manage the temple weddings.’

‘You don’t give in, do you?’

‘Never,’ Aurora said. ‘Not when I know I am right.’

She had tried to give up on their love so many times and to let Nico go. She thought of her tears, and the coin-toss at the Trevi Fountain when she had begged to be made love to in Rome.

‘I want that job, Nico.’

‘Then you shall have it.’

‘I don’t want favours, though,’ she said as she lay in his bed. ‘I really am the best for that role.’

She was also, Aurora knew, the best for his heart.