So she called the hotel, and was eventually put through to a weary-sounding Marianna.

‘Signor Caruso is not here, Aurora.’

‘What time did he leave work?’

‘He hasn’t been in today.’

Her new shoes hurt, so she took them off. Her new eyelashes itched as she took thepassataoff the stove and then decided she was starving and cooked the pasta.

He could reheat his own.

The louse.

She had told him of her love, and she had shared her dark fears. And his response?


Always, always silence from Nico, when she needed his thoughts the most.


She threw the spaghetti at the wall—and not to check if it might stick! She threw it in frustration, in despair and in pain—because she wanted this to stop.

For this love for Nico to fade.

For the depth of her soul, where he resided, to be excised, so that she could move on with her life with her head held high.

It was nearly midnight as she sat at the dinner table and wept—becausethiswas her life. Loving a man who did not so much as call.

Perhaps he was out with his lover. Breaking it off with her because, sorry, he’d just found out he was a father…

Maybe they were making love now.

Break-up sex.

Which would lead to make-up sex when he weakened and grew bored with his Silibrian mountain girl.

‘I hate you, Nico Caruso!’ she wept.

‘Of course you do.’

And there he was, standing in the doorway, looking a whole lot more crumpled than he had that morning but still with plenty of dash.

‘Wherewereyou?’ Aurora demanded as she stood up. ‘Marianna said you have not been in work today.’

‘When you calm down I will tell you.’

‘Don’t tell me to calm down. You have a son now—you have responsibilities—’ She could have bitten off her tongue, and yet she could not stop, and now huge angry tears were spilling out. ‘You stay out to this time of night like an alley cat! It is not a good example to set for your son.’ She let out the hurt that was really on her mind. ‘I told you I loved you, Nico. I gave you all my fears and you gave me nothing back. I will never forgive you for that!’

‘Never?’ he checked.


She could feel her hair, uncoiled and spilling over her face, and she knew her make-up was smeared just when she wanted to be so calm and serene.


She jabbed a finger at his chest, but he caught it and pulled her into him, and kissed her hard, his mouth smothering hers.