Aurora woke in an empty bed and no baby.

No Nico.

Yes, she had the nanny, but panic had her dashing down the grand stairs and through the long entrance hall—and then coming to a halt at the door of the kitchen.

Nico sat on a bar stool holding her baby—or rather,theirbaby. He was wearing suit trousers, socks and shoes, but he was naked from the hips up and unshaven.

Half executive, half temptation.

‘I overslept,’ Aurora said. ‘I never oversleep.’

‘It’s only seven.’

‘That’s late for me. Usually I’m up at six…sometimes five…’ She was gabbling. But she had to keep speaking about inane things because the sight of him, the delicious sight of him, was too much for this hour.

‘Gabe needs to be fed,’ Aurora said, holding out her hands for him to hand over their son.

‘I just fed him,’ Nico said. ‘And that is why I am not wearing a shirt. He vomited on me. The nanny is sorting me out another one.’

‘Oh.’ Aurora didn’t know what to say to that, but again held her hands out for her son. ‘Well, he needs to be changed.’

‘He’s already been changed,’ Nico said.

‘Did you do that too?’

‘No.’ Nico shook his head. ‘I left that to the nanny.’

He smiled, and it was so rare that he did, that when he did she felt as if she wore skates and the marble floor was ice, for she wanted to glide over to Nico.

Her outstretched hands were now forhim, Aurora realised, so she dropped them to her sides.

‘He’s handsome,’ Nico said, looking down at his son.


‘I would expect his father must be too,’ Nico said, slipping into the banter they had shared last night.

‘Not really.’ Aurora wrinkled her nose and teased him, but could not erase her smile. She tried to, but it just kept shining through.

And then it dawned on her how terrible she must look, in his crumpled shirt and with a bruise on her cheek. Surely his perfect wife would be in active wear at this hour, all glowing from her morning yoga—or from having just gone down on him.

Aurora preferred the thought of the latter, even if she had never done it before…

‘I’d better go,’ Nico said.

‘Where?’ Aurora asked.

‘Where do you think?’

‘Can’t work wait, Nico? Surely we have a lot to discuss and—’ She halted herself, for she had sworn at least to try and be the perfect wife. ‘What time will you be…?’ She swallowed. His perfect wife would not ask when he would be back. ‘I’m going to cook today.’

‘I have a housekeeper for that.’

Although then he realised that she and her husband had both just gone on leave.