Hadn’t he heard those same frustrating words growing up? Known the code of silence when Pino’s daughter had suddenly left school and gone to take care of her aunt in Palermo.

She had returned a few months later, pale and gaunt and with the saddest eyes.

But not Aurora, surely?

Nico sat up.

She would tell him if she was pregnant.

Wouldn’t she?

He went over and over that last conversation and within it he found not a clue.

Over and over he replayed it.

Not one clue.

Until the very end.

‘The taxi will be here soon.’

Bruno had a car. Why would he not take his daughter to the station on the day she left home?

There was only one reason Nico could see.

His heart was jumping in his chest and he wanted to reach for his phone and call her. But it was the middle of the night. And anyway, she might not answer. Or even if she did she might not reveal anything.


Tomorrow he would have Marianna find out just where Aurora had relocated to and then he would call her.

He just had to get through this night.

Rome was not so beautiful this early morning. It was still dark, and also it was freezing cold. She only had with her a few hastily grabbed necessities for Gabe.

But she had her baby, Aurora told herself, and he was unharmed and safe and she cradled him close.

What to do?

She had always wondered why Nico had chosen to sleep in a park rather than in her family home, and now she knew—pride.

But she had a son.


And Gabe deserved better than to be outside on a freezing cold morning.

She had never wanted to call Nico like this. She had wanted to be calm and together when she told him. But that choice had been taken from her now.

What if his number had changed or he had blocked her? Or what if he had taken her advice and started turning off his phone at night?

For once she was grateful that he had not.


Something inside her jolted. Her name must be on the phone he carried with him. He knew it was her.

‘Nico, I am sorry to call—’