ASTHETRAINpulled into Stazione Roma Termini, the main train station in Rome, Aurora felt none of the excitement as she had the last time she’d arrived here.

Then she had been with colleagues, looking forward to training at a luxury Rome hotel. Then she had felt as if her career was on course.

Then she had been looking forward to seeing Nico.


Aurora did not know.

Yet she had chosen to come to Rome.

Was it in the hope of seeing him?

No, for she dreaded that.

Or had she come with the intention of telling Nico that he was to be a father?


One day she would tell him, but she dreaded that too.

It was more that her world felt safer when Nico was near.

She had arranged accommodation at a very basic hostel, but she would be spending only her nights there. Every day was to be devoted to trying to find work.

But it seemed most restaurants weren’t hiring. At least not a visibly pregnant waitress.

And it was the same for cleaning work too.

Every day, on her way to interviews, Aurora passed Nico’s grand hotel. And every day, after yet another slew of rejections, she grew more and more tempted simply to land unannounced at his door and demand to see him. To hand over the problem to Nico to deal with.

It washisbaby after all.

Yet she could not bear the thought of his disappointment, or the way he would reluctantly carry out his duty.

Shewouldfind accommodation and work and shewouldbe in a better position when she told him the truth.

Her family’s reaction had hurt Aurora deeply, and if the people who loved her could cast her aside it left her with little hope for Nico’s reaction to the news.

But then hope arrived, in the shape of a family of two young children, a stressed mother, and a father who travelled extensively for work. They lived in the Prati district, which was close to Parioli, where Nico resided.

‘I need someone for nanny duties and some light cleaning,’ Louanna explained. ‘Our last nanny left us with no notice…’

‘I won’t let you down.’

It was a gorgeous old house, and Aurora had her own summerhouse at the bottom of the garden. Louanna was kind, and told her she had all the essentials Aurora’s baby would need.

But then she added, ‘You will havethreelittle ones to care for…’

Aurora knew she would care for ten if it meant she had a home and could provide for her baby. For the first time since she had found out she was pregnant, she felt in control.

But then Louanna’s husband returned, and the whole mood in the house changed.

‘A pregnant nanny?’ he said rudely to his wife. ‘What thehell…?’

‘Shh…’ said Louanna as she closed the study door on them. ‘Aurora is wonderful and she’s a great help to me with Nadia and Antonio.’