She was pleased for them—excited for them as she spied the way they held hands even as they sipped their drinks.

But she was sad for herself.

They knew love.

She looked out at the panoramic view of Rome that the Club Lounge afforded and wondered why all she could think of was Silibri and the temple ruins, and the little house hernonnahad lived in, and had anyone watered the jasmine? Was Nico there now, strolling around confidently because there was no chance of bumping into her?


Realising that she had been daydreaming, and had missed what Marianna had said, Aurora snapped to attention. ‘I’m sorry. I was miles away.’

Many miles away, in fact—all the way to Silibri.

‘I asked if you’d mind going to Nico’s. There’s some maintenance being done on the balcony. You might be there for a couple of hours. I don’t like to ask just anyone, and youwerethere the other day.’

‘Of course,’ Aurora responded politely, for what else could she say?

‘You look nice,’ Marianna commented.

‘I was worried it was too much for work.’

‘Not here, it’s not,’ Marianna said. ‘Every day is like a wedding! Your hair is nice too.’

All her early life Aurora’s mother had trimmed her hair, and later Aurora had done it herself. For her confirmation and on special occasions she had gone to an aunt who, until yesterday, Aurora had believed to be a hairdresser.

Oh, no, she wasn’t.

Luigiwas a hairdresser!

And a therapist.

And an ego-boost.

All rolled into one delicious package.

Aurora had left the hotel salon feeling like a rock star.

Her dark locks felt like silk, and looked as if every strand had been polished by hand. Her hair now fell in a glossy, snaky curtain, several inches shorter than it had been when she had walked through the heavy brass doors.

The cost?


Almost a week’s pay, gobbled up in two luxurious hours.

Actually,twoweeks’ pay had been spent, if she included the dress, but when in Rome…

It was a short trip to Nico’s, and the driver gave her his number to call when the maintenance was done.

Soon she would be alone in his stunning villa… But not quite, for there were two men in overalls who were waiting for her to arrive.

‘Buongiorno!’Aurora greeted them warmly as she disarmed the security system and let them in. And as she led them up the grand stairs she learned a little more about Nico’s home.

It was a heritage building, they said, and the balcony inspection was just routine.

There was nothing routine about Nico, Aurora thought.

His bedroom was exactly as it had been the last time she had seen it, with not a thing out of place.