‘Do you wearyourunderwear to bed?’ she asked.

She slid back and sat on his thighs. It was a very provocative move, for in doing so she slid her naked sex over the hardest part of him. She pulled back the cotton blanket and saw beneath his black silk boxers and the clear evidence of his desire for her.

‘Oh, Nico…’

She touched him without fear or hesitation, freeing him from the restraint that had kept their actions decent. She explored him with her eyes and her hands and knew she had never seen anything more beautiful in her life.

‘Aurora…’ he warned, and removed her hand, or soon he wouldn’t be able to control himself any more.

But she did not stop, and when her hand returned he did not halt it.

‘Make it stop, Nico,’ she begged.

‘Make what stop?’


‘Go to bed,’ he told her, pushing at her hips and attempting to lift her from his thighs.

But she dug in. ‘No.’

‘Okay,’ he compromised. ‘I’ll make you come, and then you are to go to bed.’

His arrogant tone only turned her on even more, and she relished the opportunity to discover what he could make her body feel.

Oh, he brought bliss with his fingers. He was not gentle, and she stifled a cry as he slipped his fingers inside her. She moved with his hand for a moment, but then sobbed in frustration. ‘It’s not your hand I want…’

‘Let go,’ he told her as he stroked her more insistently, increasing the speed and pressure of his fingers according to the responses of her body.

When she climaxed, Nico decided, he would allow himself to join her, and then they could both get some sleep.

‘We might be going to die tonight, Nico,’ she told him. ‘Don’t let me die a virgin.’

She looked down at him and felt a shiver rippling inside her as he almost smiled.

Butwasit a smile?

Aurora did not know, for it was a look she had never before seen. It was a kind of grim smile that made her stomach flip, and his voice, when it came, was deeper than thunder, with a low warning edge.

‘Get on the floor,’ he told her.

‘No,’ she said. For that would mean separating their bodies and she did not want to give him even a second to change his mind.

That grim smile remained as his hand left her sex and moved to his own. ‘Take off your top,’ he told her. ‘I want to know every inch of you.’

With anticipation bubbling inside her, and delight that she was finally getting her way, she pulled her T-shirt over her head.

Aurora put her hands on his chest and lifted herself a little. She looked down as he held himself in one hand and ran the glistening tip against her most sensitive flesh.

‘Don’t make a noise,’ he warned as he nudged against her, except she was too tight for his thick length.

He could feel her thighs shaking as she knelt up. ‘Get on the floor,’ he said again, for he could better control things there.

‘Please, Nico,now!’

He was just a little way inside her, and he took her hips in his large palms. He’d meant to do it more gently, but she was damp with perspiration, and so was he, and as he pushed her down their bodies slid together and he pulled her down harder than he’d intended and seared into her virgin flesh.

It was the most painful, exquisite, blissful moment of her life and she did not make a sound. It was Nico who let out a breathless cry as he took her virginity.