Naomi watched as the confident and assertive Felicia, stood, looking stunned, but then she attempted to gather herself. ‘Leander, this is Naomi.’

‘Naomi,’ he said.

Except, as he said it, his eyes never left Felicia’s face, and Naomi, who had played a part, perhaps more than most, knew it was time to leave.

No matter.

Naomi wasn’t one for moving in a pack and was more than capable of going to the restroom alone.

The possibility that Abe might have asked Felicia to keep a close eye on her never even entered her head.

And with good reason.

Naomi, with her new and fragile confidence emerging, truly had no idea of the snake pit lurking beneath the well-dressed tables or the daggers that were being thrown from behind frozen smiles.

She assumed everyone was as happy tonight as she was.

Naomi washed her hands and as she went into her purse for her lipstick she saw the little tin thatdidn’tcontain mints and her final gift was sorted out.

Shewouldbe with Abe tonight.

And not hesitantly.

A short-lived affair she could live with far more than she could live a life without it.

Naomi did not need San Cabo, or wherever it was, to be with him, or promises he could never keep to be with him.

She heard the band strike up a Christmas song that had always made her cry.

It wouldn’t any more, for it would remind him of this night for ever.

In a few moments it would be Christmas, Naomi thought, and she crammed hermintsback into her purse, ready to head out there for the chance of one last dance, when she heard her name.


Naomi turned and smiled at a petite blonde woman in a stunning high-necked red dress.

‘You’re Naomi, right?’

‘Yes?’ There was a question in her voice, wondering if she ought to know the woman, or if they’d been introduced for, yes, she looked a little familiar. And then Naomi found out why. She had seen her in photos, of course.

‘I’m Candice,’ she confirmed.

‘Oh.’ Naomi really didn’t know what else to say and felt the little colour she had leach from her face and she swallowed nervously.

‘Please...’ Candice smiled and put out her hand and gave Naomi’s arm a reassuring squeeze ‘...don’t feel awkward, I’m very used to all of this.’

Only Naomiwasn’treassured and shedidfeel awkward.

‘I really ought to get back out there,’ Naomi said hurriedly. She knew she was being an utter wimp, but a less than friendly chat with Abe’s very recent ex felt uncomfortable, to say the least.

But Candice wasn’t letting her go just yet.

‘It really is fine.’ She gave Naomi another smile, only one that was almost sympathetic. ‘I’ve long accepted Abe’s affairs.’

‘We’re not...’ Naomi blew out a breath. She really didn’t know what she and Abe were. It was hardly an affair. And at every level Naomi knew too that whatever they had briefly found couldn’t last. She knew too that she was just his plus one tonight. But all she wanted was this perfect night and she didn’t want Candice getting in the way of that. ‘We’re not together, as such,’ Naomi said, and made to leave.

‘Of course you are,’ Candice said. ‘Abe was just saying to me this afternoon that he was bringing you tonight.’