‘He wants what his father wants,’ Merida said.

And she must remember those words, Naomi thought to herself.

He’d been dragged into it by Jobe, possibly not screaming as she doubted Abe had the emotional capacity towards her for that, but still he was doing this to please Jobe. But that meant tonight Abe would be punching above his weight, and not in the usual sense.

Naomi was not being self-effacing but she was not his usual type and she knew it.

It was Merida who calmed her down.

She waved Ethan and everybody off and then sat on the couch with Naomi, who was still clutching the card from the spa. ‘Abe will be working the room. You’ll hardly have to see him. Just one duty dance and then you can drink Manhattans all night long.’

She’d wished for this, Naomi realised.

Standing in Central Park, she’d wished for one more night in his arms.

And she felt a jumble of things.



Yet also incredibly, terribly excited.

This was a real black-tie ball and it was the only time she would ever get to attend one.

And she’d dance with Abe.

Even one duty dance from him she would take.

Naomi knew, absolutely, that she must not get ahead of herself. It wasn’t a date. This family did this sort of thing all of time and clearly Jobe had been angling for it.

She felt sick.

A little dizzy.

But she was starting to get excited now.

‘Bernard’s going to take you to the spa now, and don’t be shy when you’re there,’ Merida warned.


‘Naomi, I mean it. I had a hell of a time when I first got here. I had this stylist, Howard, and he talked down to me all the time. Don’t let them.’ She held her friend’s hands. ‘Be yourself and just enjoy it.’

‘I have to get some presents...’

‘I can get something for you for Barb. Who else?’


‘I’ll think of something. Anyone else?’

Naomi shook her head. She certainly wasn’t going to let on to Merida that she’d wanted to get something for Abe.

It was too late for that now.

Naomi would not be intimated at the spa.

Hell, that part came later when she stood with Abe alongside Manhattan’s finest.