Oh, there wasn’t an argument bedside, but the Devereuxes were not the type to let a little thing like death get in the way of a heated discussion.

‘But why not?’ Jobe frowned. ‘You two aren’t going and Abe has to take someone and Naomi’s a lovely young lady. As well as that, tomorrow’s her birthday. Why shouldn’t she be treated to a glitzy night out?’

‘It’s the company she’ll be keeping that concerns me,’ Ethan said, and again shook his head. ‘No.’

‘So you’re the type of boss,’ Abe checked, ‘who dictates what his staff does on their night off. Assuming she gets a night off on her birthday.’

That derisive note was back to Abe’s voice. He didnotlike the fact that Naomi was employed by his brother. And it wasn’t just snobbery, more he could not stand that he had to go to his younger brother to even take Naomi out. However, he acknowledged that for tomorrow to work, he did indeed need their help.

‘Of course I don’t dictate what she does in her free time,’ Ethan snapped. ‘I just wouldn’t encourage her to be spending it with you.’

‘Well, I think a night out on the town is just what she needs.’ Jobe smiled. ‘There are a few of the nurses from here going. I’ll tell them to look out for her if Abe gets waylaid. I want this, boys...’ he told them.

‘Boys?’ Ethan checked.

‘How about,’ Abe suggested, ‘we leave it for Naomi to decide?’

‘Jobe.’ Merida found her voice then. She’d been so taken aback at the thought of her shy friend on Abe’s arm at the rather daunting ball that she’d been stunned into silence. ‘While it’s a lovely idea, women spend months preparing for this night. Dress fittings, spa trips, you can’t just spring something like this in on her the day before the event.’

‘I agree,’ Jobe said. ‘I think it better that you tell her tomorrow.’



Barb, as she did for all staff on their birthdays, carried a huge tray into the bedroom as she sang a tuneless rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’.

‘Breakfast in bed!’ Naomi sat up. She had completely forgotten about the promise of breakfast. ‘How lovely.’

‘Not just any breakfast,’ Barb said. ‘All my best dishes are there.’

There were scrambled eggs with lox, but when Naomi took a taste of the briny smoked salmon she reached for water. And there wasbialys, round bread with the dent filled in with caramelised onions, and a serving, too, of breakfast potatoes, and it was all topped with bacon crisped to near extinction.

‘Take your time,’ Barb said.

For someone who loved their food, it was the best, and as she ate, Naomi stuffed down the hurt and planned her day off,determinedto make the most of it.

She would go on the river cruise, Naomi decided, and then she’d do some last-minute shopping.

And that took care of today, but she could not bear to think of tonight.

Merida’s suggestion that they have cocktails together and watch the live-stream of guests arriving sounded like a form of slow torture to Naomi.

She’d have to wriggle out of it, Naomi decided as she dressed, though she had no idea how.

As Naomi came down the stairs with her tray, Bernard was kneeling beneath the Christmas tree, adding presents to the pile, and he smiled when he saw her.

‘Happy birthday, Naomi.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Once you’ve dropped that in the kitchen, can you go and give Merida a hand with Ava? They’re putting up stockings in the drawing room.’

‘Sure,’ Naomi said. ‘I didn’t hear them up...’

She pushed open the drawing-room door and there were Ethan, Merida, Ava and Barb all standing by a table, and on it there was gorgeous birthday cake and for the second time that morning she was greeted with song.

‘You know I don’t like a fuss,’ Naomi pleaded.