In this picture the wind had caught at her dress, and for all the world to see there was the visible reason for their marriage.

‘Ignore them.’

She looked up and there was Ethan. He was wearing grey track pants and a grey top and was breathless. And in that moment she learned two new things about her new husband.

That he ran in the morning before he went to work. And that he looked gorgeous even sweaty and dishevelled.

‘They’ve painted me as a gold-digger,’ Merida said.

‘Oh, well.’ He shrugged, and then opened his mouth to make a flip comment about occasionally the press getting things right. But perhaps wisely he chose not to exercise his black humour.

‘Is that all you have to say?’

‘Merida.’ Annoyingly calm, he responded, ‘If I have to give my in-depth thoughts on every headline I appear in then we’re in for some long breakfasts.’

‘They’re saying that I’m pregnant.’

‘Well, youare.’ He shrugged again.

‘Our child might one day read this,’ Merida said. ‘They’re insinuating that you married me because of the baby...’ Her breath caught—because, well, hehad—but she pushed on. ‘And that I’m nothing more than a gold-digger and a failed actress. Where did theygetthat?’

‘I have no idea,’ Ethan said. ‘Though Ishallhave a word with Howard. He should have known better than to put you in a gold dress. A five-year-old could have seen where that would lead.’

And that, according to Ethan, was the end of that, only it wasn’t enough for Merida.

‘Doyouthink I’m a gold-digger, Ethan?’

She was brave enough to ask it outright, and when their eyes met he gave her a very honest answer.

‘I don’t care.’

He didn’t.

The ‘i’s were dotted the ‘t’s were crossed and to Ethan the whys and wherefores just didn’t matter, because right now they could simply enjoy it all.

And hedidenjoy her.

Allof her.

He’d thought their marriage would be a disaster, but two days in he was coming around.

Not only was the sex brilliant, but he liked their conversations. The way she challenged his assumptions, the way she had popped into his head mid-run and he’d raced to get back.

There was a connection—he could feel it—and he’d never really known that before.

‘Come on,’ he said, assuming the conversation was over. ‘I’ll show you around before I get ready.’

‘I’ve had a look,’ Merida said, but she knew she was being a misery and so she stood. ‘I ought to tidy up...’

‘Don’t be ridiculous. Rita will be in today. I suddenly thought, when I was running,’ Ethan said as they headed out of the kitchen, ‘that if something happened to you, you wouldn’t be able to give your address.’ He told her, ‘You’re just around the corner from your old workplace and a couple of blocks down from Jobe.’

‘Do you see him much?’

‘Every day at work,’ Ethan said as he showed her around. ‘Don’t worry, he won’t be dropping round...’

‘I don’t mind,’ Merida said. ‘I like him.’

The lower floor of the apartment contained a large south-facing lounge and it was Merida’s favourite, with jade curtains and gorgeous dark silk rugs and walls. The area was vast enough to easily carry it off. There was also a large dining room, with a gleaming table, and a library, as well as an office and two guest bedrooms.