It would be nappies and sleepless nights and trying to juggle childcare while working at a job she didn’t love.

But she would love her baby.

Merida already did love it. Had she not, then she’d be getting ready to appear on stage.

Her hand moved to the slight swell of her stomach.

It wasn’t her baby’s fault and she must always remember that.

Never,evermust her child know how hard it had been to leave her Broadway dream behind.


It was done, it was gone, and it was time to move forward now.

She would contact Ethan again from England.



The Devereux men,impossibly handsome, especially in their tuxedos, did not smile for the cameras as they climbed out of their cars and stood on the red carpet.

Abe had brought the long-suffering though ever hopeful Candice, who turned a blind eye to his numerous affairs in the hope, Ethan assumed, of a ring.

Jobe had not got back with Chantelle.

Ethan had not bothered to bring anyone.

There was no point.

Lately, since his father’s diagnosis, all Ethan’s dates had been taken home by his driver. Or rather, since that night with Merida. But he chose not to think of it like that.

Ethan did not do sentimental. He never had, and still swore that he never would, but being at the theatre was proving difficult tonight.

He missed her.

No, he told himself. Things had just been difficult of late.

Despite the dire diagnosis, Jobe’s sheer bloody-mindedness meant that he was at his desk most days, but at least the board knew now.

As they walked down the red carpet all eyes were on Jobe. He held up to the scrutiny well, but there could no denying his dramatic weight loss. And Ethan could hear him a touch breathless as they made their way up the stairs to their box.

It was a gorgeous old theatre, and as they took their seats the audience beneath craned their necks for a glimpse of the stunning Devereux men. They funded a lot of arts projects, and Ethan had also been made aware that the lead performer and several of the chorus had come through a dance school that they sponsored.

Ethan took a belt of Scotch and then thumbed through the programme. A flash of red in the photos caught his eye.

Her hair was always a stand-out, and even with the heavy make-up he would have known her anywhere.

Ethan was quite sure it was her.

She was dressed in black and knelt over another actor, a wicked smile playing on her face.

Merida hadn’t just been dreaming about Broadway. It would seem she really had made it!

He thumbed through the playbill and found her a few paragraphs down from the main leads.

Merida Cartwright—Belladonna