‘How much longer are you in New York?’ Ethan asked.

‘That depends,’ Merida said, and then admitted the truth. ‘I’m nearing desperation if I want to stay here.’

She didn’t want to bring the night down with cold facts. But, as much as she loved performing inNear Miss, it paid just a tiny stipend, and her work at the gallery covered little more than the rent.

Although therewasstill hope.

‘I’ve got an audition tomorrow morning, for a part on a prime-time television show.’

‘What part?’

‘You won’t laugh?’

‘I rarely do.’

‘A hooker,’ Merida said. ‘And a corpse. Although you might not believe it, playing a corpsedoesinvolve acting.’

He didn’t laugh, but hedidsmile.

And when he did, while looking in her eyes, even as she went to return it Merida faltered, because it made her toes curl beneath the table. How, she wondered, could he move her so with just a slight shift in that sulky mouth? It was as if he’d reached inside her and effortlessly turned up an inner flame.

And she smiled back.

Her first real smile of the night.

Her façade fell away and they sat, staring at each other. She felt soright, sorecognised, that when his hand reached across the table she did not jump. Instead her hand closed around his in relief.

She feltfound.

The waiter returned and it felt like an intrusion for both of them as they dropped contact and took the dessert menus.

The words blurred, and the whimsical descriptions were lost on Merida as she accepted they were headed for bed.

Oh, yes. She had waited a long time to feel like this.

And now, as she tried to read about meringues and mousses and all things delicious, she attempted to fathom his reaction if she told him of her untouched status.

‘What would you like?’ Ethan asked.

Colour that she could not tame flooded her cheeks and chest.

‘I’m not sure that I want anything,’ Merida admitted.

‘Well, I do,’ Ethan said, and put down the menu. He stood. ‘I want to dance.’

He led her to the dance floor, and once there it was a relief for her to be back in his arms.

Not so much a relief, because his touch so readily inflamed her, but it was bliss to be held by him.

So skilfully held.

They might have danced this dance a hundred times, Merida thought, for he held her as if he had practised over and over doing just that.

It was as if Ethan’s armsknewher.

His hand was above the small of her back and the pressure was light, yet still firm. He pulled her in closer and she wrapped her arm around his, so her hand came to rest beneath his shoulder blade and she could put her head high on his chest.

If it all ended now it would still be the best night of her life.